I am not able to proceed further. Kindly guide in porting android on imx31

2009/6/29 தங்கமணி அருண் <thangam.ar...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have working freescale kernel 2.6.24 on ixm31.
> Now i want to add android support. I followed the below steps from thread:
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/a9a645a2cf0b086e/ac430bf9e75f7808#ac430bf9e75f7808
> 1.Downloaded 2.6.25 kernel from
> http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.25.tar.gz
> 2.Downloaded android kernel 2.6.25 from
> http://android.googlecode.com/files/linux-2.6.25-android-1.0_r1.tar.gz
> 3.Did diff between original_kernel_2.6.25 Vs linux-2.6.25-android-1.0 -->
> android.patch (around 30000 lines)
> 4.Applied android.patch to freescale_kernel_2.6.24
> patch process were failed for some sources and i applied those patches
> manually.
> Then i started compiling the kernel. it was ended up with errors on power.c
> source and so on.
> i suspect that there some more kernel changes are not updated on my
> freescale kernel.
> Kindly give me right steps to patch the kernel and port the same on imx31.
> I appreciate your help.
> --
> அன்புடன்
> அருண்
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