Is this a deficiency in Bionic or in the Android port of the syslog
APIs?  It seems that pppd expects notice, error, etc to recognize the
%I (for IP addresses) and %P for packets and print them accordingly.
Instead, we get the following:

01-01 00:06:33.067: DEBUG/pppd(422): sent P
01-01 00:06:33.067: DEBUG/pppd(422): rcvd P
01-01 00:06:33.067: DEBUG/pppd(422): sent P
01-01 00:06:33.067: DEBUG/pppd(422): rcvd P

01-01 00:06:33.083: INFO/pppd(422): local  IP address I
01-01 00:06:33.083: INFO/pppd(422): remote IP address I
01-01 00:06:33.083: INFO/pppd(422): primary   DNS address I
01-01 00:06:33.083: INFO/pppd(422): secondary DNS address I

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