Its quite obvious but cant seem to find an answer. I am using Angular with MVC. I can comfortably write views/templates using Razor and link 
js file in it for controller. It work fine as user request a page, It get 
served by MVC runtime,js file having angular controller definition 
also get downloaded and initialized because of ng-controller declaration. 
Problem starts when I want to do SPA. Then I need to define routes. Now my 
ask is to simply forward Url as is to MVC and it can return a 
view/template with a reference to angular controller in it, but angular 
routing forces you to either use pre resolved controller or provide a url 
to resolve controller.Why not it can simply pick it up from referenced js 
file. Is there any way by which controller can be picked from the view 
itself as it has reference to js file having controller definition and also 
declared inside view using ng-controller. This way we would be able to use 
excellent convention based MVC routing with Angular SPA and will be 
much simpler for developers having MVC background. To summarize, I 
dont want to specify controller in route config and simply provide template 
url to get the view which subsequently has the reference to controller 
,hence controller should be resolved from there. I would be seriously 
disappointed if its not possible

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