I am using Angular 1.6.2 with Angular Material 1.3 and making fairly heavy 
use of components. I have an outer "appComponent" that wraps the rest of 
the app and provides a header toolbar with navigation, a footer and then my 
top-level app components load within a ui-view inside the app component.

One of my components is a customer maintenance page that has a list in a 
tab on tab 1 and then customer specific details on tab 2.

tab 2 loads another template via ng-include that includes several tabs. A 
few of those tabs contain child data and I want to lazy load them, so I 
create states for them like this:

 .state('customers', {
                url: "/customers",
                templateUrl: "components/customer/index.html",
                role: "customers",
                resolve: { authenticate: authenticate }
            .state('customers.customer', {
                url: "/{customerId}",
                templateUrl: "components/customer/index.html",
                role: "customers - edit",
                view: "customerdetail",
            .state('customers.customer.acknowledgements', {
                url: "/acknowledgements",
                view: "customeracknowledgements",
                onEnter: function() {
            .state('customers.customer.importinstructions', {
                url: "/importinstructions",
                role: "customers - edit",
                view: "customerImportInstructions",
            .state('customers.customer.orderhistory', {
                url: "/orderhistory",
                templateUrl: "components/customer/customerOrderHistory.html",
                // parent resolve is inherited. Not implementing
                view: "customerOrderHistory",

The html inlcudes ui-view with the name argument for each view like so:

        <md-tabs md-dynamic-height class="md-primary" md-no-select-click 
            <md-tab label="General Info">
                <!-- content removed for the sake of brevity -->
                    <div ui-view name="customeracknowledgements"></div>
                    <!--<div ui-view></div>-->
            <md-tab layout-fill ui-sref="customers.customer.importinstructions" 
label="Import Instructions" 
                    <div ui-view name="customerImportInstructions"></div>
            <md-tab label="Order History" 
                    <div ui-view=n ame "customerOrderHistory">

I have tried a wide variety of things. I know that the states are being 
navigated too because I've had the onEnter function used on the 
customeracknowledgements state on each state and it fires for each one. 
Also if I watch the network tab in the Chrome developer tools an XHR call 
is made to retrieve each template when I navigate to the containing tab, 
but nothing is display on any of the tabs.

I've googled the *#%! out of this, read and tried everything I can find, 
but nothing has helped. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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