The Apache Calcite team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Calcite 1.37.0.

Calcite is a dynamic data management framework. Its cost-based
optimizer converts queries, represented in relational algebra, into
executable plans. Calcite supports many front-end languages and
back-end data engines, and includes an SQL parser and, as a
sub-project, the Avatica JDBC driver.

This release comes 5 months after 1.36.0,
contains contributions from 46 contributors, and resolves 138 issues.
It's worth highlighting the introduction of the adapter for Apache
Arrow, StarRocks dialect.
The release also added support for lambda expressions in SQL,
'Must-filter' columns.
For table function calls it is now possible to use them without
TABLE() wrapper in FROM.
Furthermore, there is support for optional FORMAT of CAST operator from SQL:2016
and more than 15 new SQL functions in various libraries such as
BigQuery, PostgreSQL and Spark.

You can start using it in Maven by simply updating your dependency to:


If you'd like to download the source release, you can find it here:

You can read more about the release (including release notes) here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to
report problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at:

Thanks to everyone involved!

Sergey Nuyanzin, on behalf of the Apache Calcite Team

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