The Apache Commons community is happy to announce the availability of
Apache Commons Lang 3.7.

Apache Commons Lang provides helper utilities for the java.lang API,
notably String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, object
reflection, concurrency, creation and serialization and System properties.
Additionally it contains basic enhancements to java.util.Date and a series
of utilities dedicated to help with building methods, such as hashCode,
toString and equals.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o LANG-1355: TimeZone.getTimeZone() in FastDateParser causes resource
contention (PR #296.) Thanks to Chas Honton.
o LANG-1360: Add methods to ObjectUtils to get various forms of class names
in a null-safe manner Thanks to Gary Gregory.

Fixed Bugs:
o LANG-1362: Fix tests DateUtilsTest for Java 9 with en_GB locale Thanks to
Stephen Colebourne.
o LANG-1365: Fix NullPointerException in isJavaVersionAtLeast on Java 10,
add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_10, add JavaVersion.JAVA_10 Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o LANG-1348: StackOverflowError on TypeUtils.toString(...) for a generic
return type of Enum.valueOf Thanks to mbusso.
o LANG-1350: ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(Class, Object...)
regression Thanks to Brett Kail.
o LANG-1349: EqualsBuilder#isRegistered: swappedPair construction bug
Thanks to Naman Nigam.
o LANG-1357: org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser should use
toUpperCase(Locale) Thanks to BruceKuiLiu.

o LANG-1358: Improve StringUtils#replace throughput Thanks to Stephane
o LANG-1346: Remove deprecation from RandomStringUtils.
o LANG-1361: ExceptionUtils.getThrowableList() is using deprecated
ExceptionUtils.getCause() Thanks to Ana.

For more details see the release notes at:

Distribution packages can be downloaded from:

You may have to wait 24 hours for for all mirrors to catch sync up. The
release is available on Maven Central now.

When downloading, please verify signatures using the KEYS file available at:

Maven artifacts are also available in the central Maven repository:


Have fun,
Gary Gregory, on behalf of the Apache Commons Community

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