[this post is available online at https://s.apache.org/1bbb1 ]

We're pleased to introduce a new monthly overview of events that have taken 
place within the Apache community. Below is the wrap-up of our activities in 

New this month --

 - Apache in 2019 - By The Digits https://s.apache.org/Apache2019Digits

 - Apache Software Foundation 2019 Security Report https://s.apache.org/tbyxg

 - Launch of 2020 ASF Community Survey https://s.apache.org/pzol5

 - Update on "Trillions and Trillions Served", the documentary on the ASF 

Important Dates --

 - Registration open: Apache Roadshow/DC 25 March --tracks include Apache 
Projects and CARE Initiatives, Cybersecurity, and Start‑Ups. 

 - Now open: CFP for ApacheCon North America --tracks include Big Data, Cloud, 
Community, Content Delivery, FinTech, Geospatial, Graphing, IoT, Observability, 
Search, Servers, and more. https://www.apachecon.com/

 - Next Board Meeting: 19 February 2020. 

Infrastructure --

The ASF's distributed, seven-member Infrastructure team oversees our 
highly-reliable, distributed network under the leadership of VP Infrastructure 
David Nalley and Infrastructure Administrator Greg Stein. ASF Infrastructure 
supports 300+ Apache projects and their communities across ~200 individual 
machines, 1,400+ repositories, more than half a petabyte of software source 
releases, and 2-3M daily emails on 2,000+ lists. ASF Infra performs 7M+ weekly 
checks to ensure services are available around the clock. The average uptime in 
January was 99.94%.

Committer Activity --

In January, 898 Apache Committers changed 4,835,906 lines of code over 14,064 
commits. The Committers with the top 5 highest contributions, in order, were: 
Dan Haywood, Andrea Cosentino, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Claus Ibsen, and Andi 

Project Releases and Updates --

New releases from Apache Beam (Big Data), Commons Codec (Libraries), Commons 
VFS (Libraries), Crail (incubating; Libraries), Daffodil (incubating; 
Libraries), Drill (Big Data), Druid (Big Data), Geode (Big Data), Groovy 
(Programming Languages), HttpComponents (4 releases; Servers), IoTDB 
(incubating; IoT); Jackrabbit (5 releases; Content), Juneau (Libraries), 
Libcloud (2 releases; Cloud Computing), Lucene/Solr (2 releases; Search), NiFi 
(Big Data), OpenNLP (Machine Learning), OpenWebBeans (Libraries), Parquet (Big 
Data), Pulsar (Messaging), Qpid (Messaging), SpamAssassin (Mail), and Wicket (2 
releases; Web Frameworks).

The Apache Incubator is the primary entry path for projects and codebases 
wishing to become part of the efforts at The Apache Software Foundation. 
YuniKorn (Resource Scheduler) is the latest podling undergoing development in 
the Apache Incubator http://incubator.apache.org/

The Apache Attic provides process and solutions to make it clear when an Apache 
project has reached its end of life. Apache ODE (Orchestration) has retired to 
the Attic https://attic.apache.org/

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