[this interview is available online at https://s.apache.org/InsideInfra-Gavin ]

The "Inside Infra" series with members of the ASF Infrastructure team continues 
with Gavin McDonald, who shares his experience with Sally Khudairi, ASF VP 
Marketing & Publicity.

- - -
"...The Foundation itself has a responsibility to the Projects to ensure that 
there is solid infrastructure there. So there's got to be a requirement that 
there's people there all the time to maintain this infrastructure. The 
Infrastructure team has become more professional over the years. The Projects 
have become customers, I guess. Volunteers are always welcome; at Infra we 
still have plenty of areas in which volunteers can help out."
- - -

- All right, let's get started. What is your name and how is it pronounced?

Nice and easy one. Gavin McDonald. Just McDonald as in Big Mac and fries 
McDonald's. It's M and C, no Mac.

 - When and how did you get involved with the ASF?

That was back around about 2005. I was looking for something different to do 
than what I was doing. And I came across the Apache Forrest Project. I knew a 
little bit about XML and websites and stuff like that. So I started 
contributing to the Apache Forrest Project. And some months later they made me 
a Committer.

 - So you first got involved with the Forrest project, then at some point you 
became part of infra. How did that evolution happen?

That's me looking around for more things to do. I've always been involved in 
and interested in system administration work. My first real communications with 
the Infra team was whilst working on a Forrest Solaris Zone and needed some 
help with it. Shortly after that I started volunteering there. 

First of all, I saw a huge number of tickets regarding mirrors, you know for 
our software downloads. I'd say it was probably around 150 tickets outstanding 
for mirrors wanting to join.

 - ... What?!


 - ... One Hundred and Fifty...

Something like that; some of them had been outstanding for quite a while. At 
the time there was only one person being paid. There were volunteers obviously 
looking after the machines and stuff like that. Mirrors were sort of lagging 
behind as they were less important. So that was my in. I started off with 
getting karma to add all the mirrors.

There was a certain standard that mirrors have to have, certain configurations. 
So I was going backwards and forwards with the mirror providers and making sure 
they were up to scratch, then adding them into our configuration.

>From then, I introduced BuildBot to Infrastructure. And I think maybe a year 
>after that, this is now talking 2009, a position opened. I think more or less 
>the rest of the Infrastructure volunteers said, "Gavin is doing the job 
>anyway. Let's give it to him."

That was my interview.

Around October, November 2009 I became paid staff.

 - Are you the longest serving member of the current Infra team?

Yes. Last year at ApacheCon I got presented with a 10 year t-shirt. Next time 
there's a physical conference I'll be bringing it along.

 - 10 years thumbs up: that's good! Explain the structure of the Infra team and 
your role in it.

There are six of us, plus Greg (Stein), our Infra Admin, and David (Nalley), VP 
Infra. One of them is a documentation guy, that's Andrew (Wetmore). The rest of 
us all various system administration devops work. We look through tickets, 
what's needed to be done, and obviously we're looking to improve our 
infrastructure uptime and software and updates. So we all do what's needed, 
basically. Everyone has various roles.

 - What's your role?

Well it's a bit of everything, I think. I have been concentrating quite a lot 
on the CI/CD side of things. That was written into my original contract, which 
is now not part of the contract. Basically that means the whole entire time 
I've been here, I've been involved in BuildBot and Jenkins and other CI/CD 
stuff, and I've been doing a lot of that lately as well. Migrating Jenkins over 
to new Cloudbees software, and on a whole load of VMs, mainly in AWS.

 - You mention that CI/CD is a key part of your role. Is that what you're 
specifically responsible for within Infra? Are you "the CI guy"? Are there 
other things you do? Everyone says to me, "Hey we do everything." That sounds 
amazing, but how is that possible? Do you do everything else in addition to the 
CI work?

Yeah pretty much. Yeah. Everyone can do pretty much everything that we touch 
on. Some just choose to do certain things that they're more capable of or more 
used to working with or they like it better. Nobody is told, "You're working on 

 - That's interesting. Fill that part in: if there's six things that need to 
get done, but five of you are actually hands-on sysadmins, so you guys do what 
you like to do or what you prefer to do? No one says, "Okay you go handle that 
mail server"? How does it work?

Obviously there's 24 hours in a day and there's people all around the world. If 
there's an emergency going on or a mail server breaks down or something needs 
doing, then whoever's around at the time would step up and say, "Okay I'll take 
a look at that."

 - So everyone's pitching in --it's not, "Hey I'm not going to do it. Wait for 
‘the mail server guy’."

No, no. Obviously I'm sort of known for the Jenkins and BuildBot stuff, but if 
I'm not around, everyone else can just jump in and get on with it.

 - So how did you become the Jenkins guy? How did you get to be the BuildBot 
guy? You were saying earlier that you kind of evolved into it because it was 
needed, but is this something that you've personally had interest in to start? 
Or is it just, "Hey there's a fire here, I need to put it out," and it became 
this cellular memory, a habit, it's now your thing.

I think a little bit of both. I started off introducing BuildBot not long after 
I started. Jenkins had already been going a little bit at that time, but I've 
been involved in that also since the start. And it's over the years become more 
important to projects. Back when it started, it was a nice-to-have sort of 
thing. There was none of this pipelines, and CI wasn't an integral part of 
releases, whereas these days it's more and more a requirement. Jenkins and 
BuildBot have gone from second-class citizens, if you like, to one of our core 
services that needs to be kept on top of all the time. It's one of the most 
important aspects of our infrastructure for projects. There's a great demand 
for it. And it's increasing all the time.

 - That's interesting to see it go from a supporting role to the lead demand. 
That's been what, over 11 years now?

Yeah, 11 years.

 - In earlier interviews, I spoke to Chris and Drew and Greg and Daniel (Infra 
team members Chris Thistlethwaite, Drew Foulks, Infra Administrator Greg Stein, 
and Daniel Gruno) and they've all given me their perspectives on the many areas 
that infra is involved with. Tell me about the scope of the work that you guys 
do, and how is it different from other Open Source foundations?

Not sure how I can answer that. I'm not involved in any other Open Source 

 - Okay, well tell me how does Infra operate at the ASF? You support the 
Foundation, you support projects. How do you help?

We have, as you know, over 300 projects. Each of those requires a Website, each 
of those requires an area for their code, whether that be Subversion or Git. We 
obviously over the last couple of years have been more involved in supporting 
GitHub for Projects. And we have the Confluence wiki and Jira for the issue 
trackers. So all of the services that they need to operate as an Apache Project 
is what we offer them.

 - So every project needs a Website, as you said. Each Apache Project is 
responsible for their code, their communications, and their community. So they 
run their own Website, but Infra handles the backend? What is it that you do 
for them?

Yes, we handle the backend. We've got Web servers that all the Websites get 
published on, but they write their Website content, and that could be written 
in many different languages. So we support them being able to provide their 
Website content in whatever manner they want. This could be just plain HTML, it 
could be compiled in Maven or in Pelican, there's a million different things. 
GitHub pages. So we provide the publishing methods for them to be able to go 
from there ... most projects these days just want to be able to commit a change 
and leave it at that. Then that change automatically gets published to the Web 
via automated mechanisms at the backend, you know? We watch for a commit. That 
could be via a gitpubsub, could be via Jenkins, via BuildBot, GitHub Actions, 
all of these methods. We'll see a commit, and it'll publish it and build it if 
necessary before publishing. So they just commit a change and leave it at that.

 - So the magic that's associated with that automation, is that something you 
guys are building to support them? Or is it something that pre-exists? How are 
you integrating all these different languages or platforms? How is this 

Well, software like Jenkins and BuildBot ... those mechanisms we can provide 
pre-built code to watch their repositories for commits to their Website 
repository. It'll automatically build it, and then it'll push it to the 
websites. There's also recently GitHub actions will also, instead of being on 
Jenkins or BuildBot or Travis or any of those, GitHub actions will take a 
commit straight out of the GitHub repository. It'll do the building of the 
Website, then it'll push it to usually what's called an asf-site branch. And 
then we pick it up from there and publish it. The actual GitHub actions code 
themselves is written by the projects. So that's self-serve.

 - If there is a fail for that commit, who fixes it? Is it the Project’s 
responsibility or is that your responsibility? Who's under the hood dealing 
with that?

It depends. If it's a coding error, then it's theirs, the Projects. If there's 
some kind of hardware failure, or if there's a piece of software gone down, 
communications error, yeah, it's up to us to track that down and find out what 

 - I'm understanding a trend here. If you go to other foundation sites, they 
seem more “corporate” in the sense that everyone's site looks, feels, and 
performs the same way, they operate the same way and they tend to be under the 
same infrastructure altogether, right? They're not using 50 different CMS's.


 - ... That in itself is highly unusual.

Oh okay, yeah. We don't mandate how projects make their Website look, or we 
don't mandate how they must build it.

 - That in itself, the autonomy to do what works best for the Project, I think 
is highly unusual.

Okay. That's good to know.

 - In terms of ASF Infra and other foundations, you guys don't sit together and 
compare notes or talk to each other or anything. A lot of groups copy us, so I 
presume there's little interaction other than socially, right? I didn't know if 
there was, "Hey, Linux Foundation does that. We should do the same thing," kind 
of thing. The ASF does its thing and so be it. 

As far as I know, we have no interest in what other people are doing in terms 
of how they do things. We do things how we think it's best to do them for us 
and our Projects, how it works best for us. Whether other team members go off 
and have a look at how other foundations are doing things, I don't know. But I 

 - ... Uniquely Apache.


 - In terms of services, what's the difference between what you offer for 
individual Apache Projects and their communities versus Foundation-level 
initiatives? I presume there's a difference --is the majority of your work 
serving the Projects? What's the percentage of work that you do that's for the 
Foundation versus Projects? Is it all for Projects? Or is it all considered one 

I don't really see a difference. All the work that needs doing is for the 
Project or Foundations as a whole. It's all the same to me.

 - What about incubating projects? Do they have special needs or requirements? 
How do you support them?

Not really unless they're coming into the Incubator with something they've 
always used that we don't do. Then we would look at that and decide whether 
it's something we can do for them or not. There's been a few projects that come 
in like maybe OpenOffice in 2011.

 - That was exactly in my head in terms of pre-existing groups that have 
pre-existing infrastructure. OpenOffice was a whole community altogether in a 
completely different way. How did Infra support them? What did you do? I knew 
that there were some issues with the codebase and licensing. What else did you 
do to support that project?

Oh that was a while ago.

 - ... That's fine, I was just curious as to what you guys did. I just remember 
it was a huge lift from everybody, from all sides. Licensing and code and every 
aspect of that project coming in seemed to me to be very, very, very 
challenging, but we got through it. So that's great.

I know there was a lot of work bringing the code in, and not just from the 
licensing perspective, but also it was an enormous amount of code that needed 
to come in. I don't know whether they were in Subversion beforehand, but we 
provided them their space in Subversion and their Website space. I think a lot 
of the work was done by the project themselves.

 - Wow, wow. That was a lot of work. How do you handle Projects or communities 
that make unreasonable demands from the team? How do you guys deal with that?

There are some projects ask more of Infra than others. Some we never hear from 
at all. There's kind of a fine balance. Projects that are fairly new, we 
probably spend a bit more time with them helping them out, making sure they get 
all set up. They may ask new things, there may be some initial push backs, then 
all of a sudden there's another two or three projects interested in the same 
thing. So then we have to take a serious look and decide whether that's 
something we need to support ongoing.

We do get each of the team members I'm sure gets private PMs on Slack and 
emails and stuff like, "Hey, can you help me out with this?" Or whatever. 
Sometimes you just do it. But we're sort of encouraged to ask them to go 
through the proper channels via a Jira ticket or email to the appropriate list.

 - Not to name names, but have any Project's expectations been so unusual or so 
out of scope that it shocked you guys? Have you had situations where it's just 
been absolute, where you guys have been floored by it?

There's been maybe one or two projects that have just been incessant in their 
demands on Infra, as if we were their personal team. But we deal with it as in, 
"okay, slow down, what do you need? File a ticket." If they keep going on and 
on and on, then obviously we've got escalation levels. We can say, "Hang on," 
and we can pass that onto our boss and say these are being a bit unreasonable.

 - For those "colicky baby" types of projects, I've been hearing more and more 
about additional services being offered through Self-Serve. Are these guys able 
to take on Self-Serve and go, "Yeah that works for us and we'll do it." Have 
they been able to kind of self-satiate their needs, or has it always been 
"Infra do it for us"? How successful has Self-Serve been in terms of wicking 
away demand?

It's been hugely successful. You're referring to selfserve.apache.org: we 
introduced that three-four years ago maybe. It was a way to ... help the 
projects help themselves so they don't have to wait for Infra, because they 
know Infra is busy. Sometimes waiting two or three days for something is ... 
from their side of things they're like, "It's been two or three days. Still 
hasn't been done." But from our side of things, "it's only been open two or 
three days, what are they worried about?"

 - ... "You're in the queue, wait."

Yeah: self-serve was introduced as a way for them to help them, and also it 
helps us, there's an awful lot of tickets now that don't get filed because of 
that. They can create their own Jira Project. They can create their own 
Confluence wiki. They can create their own Git repositories. 

 - ... On their own completely? Without intervention, without "mother may I?", 
anything? They just go do it?

Yep. There's an awful lot that they can do on their own. And we introduce more 
self-serve things all the time that otherwise we'd have hundreds more tickets 
if they weren't able to do that on their own. They can create their own mailing 
list now: they don't need us.

 - Do you have to be a PMC member to do that? Can any Committer can do that? 
Who gets to administer these types of services for projects?

I believe some of the self serve options are PMC chair, and others are PMC 

 - … So not just some person who's like, "Hey I'm committing code, I'm going to 
go and futz around with the site and break something."

Yeah, no.

 - That's good. Controls obviously are necessary. This is terrific: what a huge 

Yeah definitely.

 - We've got hundreds of projects that have successfully incubated and 
graduated under the Apache banner. How do you guys develop new products and 
services to help support that innovation? We get all sorts of projects coming 
into the Foundation. Going back to OpenOffice as an example, we've never had a 
project like this of that scale, and consumer-facing. There were so many 
different things about that that was so unique, and yet we said, "Yeah you're 
part of the Foundation, you're coming in, you're part of the family."


 - We’ve had to adapt as we grow. Is there a way for you guys in anticipation 
... feel like you need to have a different type of runway in order to 
accommodate new projects coming to the ASF? Or do you deal with it as it comes 

Infra is not in control of what projects come to the Foundation. We don't have 
a say in that. When a project comes to the foundation and they have different 
requirements, then that's when we get to know about it. And we would deal with 
it appropriately then.

Obviously there's growth and we know that there's going to be more and more 
projects coming to the ASF all the time. So we anticipate growth as such.

 - … So you are setting yourselves up to accommodate more growth, not 
specifically a matter of "we need more Jenkins" or whatever.

Right. I mean whatever it is that we are looking after, we need to know that 
that particular service is going to be able to connect with growth.

 - Got it. How many requests do you receive a day? In general in terms of what 
constitutes "hey we're slammed" versus a regular day of "we've got 40 things in 
the hopper", that's normal? What's the volume that you are dealing with?

I want to give you a figure as far as Jira is concerned, which is only one 
aspect of the things that we handle. Not everything is done by Jira tickets. 
But I'd say on an average month, we probably get between 150 to 200 tickets a 

 - I've been on the Infra channel on Slack, and it's constant. It's nonstop.


 - Explain to me a typical workday. How do you manage between "hey I'm focused 
on a long-term project, this new request is coming in, Sally's hair is on fire 
because she needs help with a mailing list" and whatever else is going on? 
There's just constant demand on you guys. How do you not go crazy? How do you 
manage this?

We just get used to it, I guess. Obviously each individual handles their own 
time in their own way. At any one time there could be one, two, or all of us 
could be on Slack. So as requests come in on Slack, if it's a two minute, five 
minute job, we might just say, "Okay, all right, I'll sort that out for you 
now." Or if we feel it's going to be a little bit more in depth then we say, 
"Okay file a Jira ticket." Then one of us can pick that ticket up and take a 
look at it.

We do get people pinging individuals on Slack saying, "Can you help me with 
this?" Or whatever. Which is often negative to them in a way that they're 
narrowing their scope of help they can receive by targeting a specific 
individual. That person might be extremely busy for the next four or five 
hours, day and a half, whatever it is. And there's another four or five people 
that could help them with that question.

Typical day, obviously you get up, you check your emails, you see what's 
urgent, are there any fires to fight straightaway. You go on Slack, that stays 
open all day. As requests come in, you check Slack all day long. That's just 
one of those things. You check your tickets, your Jira tickets, what needs 
doing today, what can wait, or if you've got plenty of time then even the ones 
that can wait get done.

Whatever order you feel is most important. Then yes, everyone's got longer-term 
projects on. So myself personally, if I can spend a day or two on a long-term 
project, then get back to doing tickets, it's the way it is. If there's a lot 
going on in ticket land, then your project gets put on hold. If something 
breaks down ... The other week we had to move our Jira server because the 
hardware broke, so on a Sunday things broke down. Quickly fire up a new server 
and move everything across. Not sure anybody noticed, which is a good thing.

 - That's always a good thing. Business as usual, no one knows. With all this 
stuff coming at you and servers breaking down on the weekends, et cetera, how 
do you keep everything organized?

It depends on the day, I guess. Some days are good, some days are ... some days 
you can't see your hand in front of your face for things going on. Each day as 
it comes. There's no plan. I don't plan what I'm doing tomorrow. If there's a 
long-term project and I think things have slowed down, projects aren't asking 
for things, tickets are coming in slowly, I think I'll get on with my project 
tomorrow. Then you wake up tomorrow and something different happens. There's no 
real plan.

 - You don't use any special tools to keep your work checklist in order or 
anything like that other than the Jira? 

I tried to use various products over the years. You've got Trello and these 
other kanban board type things. You actually got to open it up and fill it out, 
haven't you?

 - It's so interesting you say that because I think some people find that 
structured way of working extremely efficient, then it's exactly that solution 
for them. Spending the time to actually do it is taking away from doing other 
things ... so I don't know if that works for everyone.

It doesn't work for me. I did start one of these boards, but it doesn't fit in 
with the job. You've got ... "okay, this has got to be finished in three weeks, 
this has got to be finished in two days." And it sends you reminders and emails 
and this and that. I mean there is no time limits on things. We're not a 
software project. We don't have to release something next week.

 - … True, you don't have hard delivery dates.

Like you say, time is taken away by filling out these things that are supposed 
to help you organize. So I just don't do it anymore.

 - Do you have other challenges with that? Balancing everything and getting 
everything done?

No, feeling okay. I mean I'm still here.

 - That t-shirt is evidence, that's true. Since Day One, the ASF has been known 
for creating their own rules for success. They're like, "We're going to do it 
our way," right? And Infra --even before there was an official infra-- played 
an important role. You can't exist without that kind of support. How has --and 
you've been with the Foundation long enough to see patterns and changes --how 
has infra changed over the years?

Good question. When I officially came onboard as a contractor, I was the second 
contractor at the time. And everybody else was a volunteer. There were quite a 
few volunteers. And they were there a lot. At least a dozen people that were 
active as infrastructure volunteers, even though they knew that there were two 
people getting paid to do the same thing, they were still there. Still 

Over the years, things have gotten a bit more professional, I guess. The 
service requirements have become more of a professional level. Down time is ... 
years ago if something was down for a couple of hours, it was like "there were 
just volunteers that are handling it. They'll get to it when they can". But as 
more and more paid staff had come onboard, to a grand total of six, a reverse 
happened with volunteers. They've mostly gone. You've got now maybe two or 
three volunteers that have stuck around and been around for a while. Because 
there's paid staff doing it. It's changed as in "who wants to volunteer for 
something when there's people being paid to do it?"

 - Was this shift proactive or reactive? Was it a matter of the demand coming 
from a Project and for us to go, "Well we better change this," or was it a 
matter of we're feeling like we're having volunteer burnout or whatever and we 
need to make this a more professionally oriented organization? Do you recall 
how this shift happened?

It happened gradually over the years. As the Foundation grew, more projects 
came in, more hardware was required, more services are required, more hands-on 
time is required. So you increase the staff one by one to handle this. Then I 
think over time as volunteers start dwindling away, due to the fact that 
there's people getting paid to do it.

That's one aspect. The Foundation itself has a responsibility to the Projects 
to ensure that there is solid infrastructure there. So there's got to be a 
requirement that there's people there all the time to maintain this 
infrastructure. The Infrastructure team has become more professional over the 
years. The Projects have become customers, I guess. Volunteers are always 
welcome; at Infra we still have plenty of areas in which volunteers can help 
out. And, we don't bite!

 - Obviously the SLA is related to that shift too. They're becoming customers 
versus "we're all in it together and everybody figure out how to make it work". 
I'm sure the expectations also were higher, right? Because now you have a team, 
what's your excuse for not getting it done?



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