The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Doxia Sitetools, version 1.7.5

Doxia Sitetools is an extension of base Doxia component that generates either HTML sites, consisting of decoration and content that was generated by Doxia, or documents like RTF or PDF.

In addition, Doxia Sitetools processes files with extra .vm extension with Velocity.

You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Doxia Sitetools - Version 1.7.5

** Bug
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-172] - Width, height and border values not used for banner display * [DOXIASITETOOLS-173] - Default skin CSS maven-base.css sets border:none on all images with tag img
    * [DOXIASITETOOLS-175] - change Velocity engine links
* [DOXIASITETOOLS-177] - Use of commons-lang 2 causes failure with JDK 9 b175+

** Improvement
    * [DOXIASITETOOLS-178] - Upgrade to Commons Lang 3


-The Apache Maven team

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