i have a code like this

    - template:
        src: ../files/kfhost.j2
        dest: /app/bin/kafka/server.properties
        owner: kafka
        group: kafka
        mode: 0755

the jinga file has an entry like this

broker.id={{ play_hosts.index(inventory_hostname)+1 }}

when i have an inventory file like this


and run this playbook from command line. server1 broker.id is set to 1, 
server2 broker.id is set to 2 and server3 broker.id is set to 3. 

when i run the same in ansbile tower, sometimes the server1 gets value 2, 
server2 gets value 1 

the order is getting mismatched.

just fyi there are other tasks before this task in the playbook 

any idea as to why this might be happening in tower and never when i run 
ansible-playbook command line

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