Hi all

I know I have a custom setup, but I've discovered funny thing, not sure if 
it's a bug or not, but maybe to see a second thought here.

- name: webservers
  hosts: webservers #it's a group in hosts file
    my_custom_variable: webservers
    /-- output omitted --/

  #vars_files: "{{ playbook_dir }}/{{ my_custom_variable }}_vault.yml"
  #vars_files: "{{ playbook_dir }}/{{ansible_play_name}}_vault.yml"

  become: yes
    - common
/-- output omitted --/

So, thing is with vars_files.
IF I use "my_custom_variable" then vault.yml file is located and used.
IF I use "ansible_play_name" then it's not and I get error saying

ERROR! vars file {{ playbook_dir }}/{{ansible_play_name}}_vault.yml was not 
Could not find file on the Ansible Controller.
If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see 
the remote_src option

But when I enter debug and print out those variables inside playbook task, 
then I can see that they are correct and point to correct names/directories.

What am I missing here? Why I cannot use ansible_play_name inside 
vars_files inside playbook. When I use the same variable inside template or 
in same playbook tasks section, everything is correct and "webservers" is 

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