I run ansible playbooks on multiple servers as controller servers and now
want to start using the cache plugin. As each controller server is
"localhost" for playbook, the facts captured by one controller server are
getting replaced by another server making the cache data not usable. So,
I am also getting the same error when i tried to run a play with *host:
local *and a task with *delegate_to: windows *in ubuntu 14.04. But the same
task works if I specify the *host: windows *at play level. Can anyone help
me in this?
On Friday, June 24, 2016 at 8:00:31 AM UTC-5, skinnedkn
kerberos wrapper you are using.
> version of pywinrm you are using
> which OS you are running ansible controller on.
> Many thanks,
> Jon
> On Monday, April 11, 2016 at 2:51:04 PM UTC+1, Anjana Raghavendra P wrote:
>> I am having sim
Hey, are you able to fix the error?
TASK [iis : Install IIS]
RuntimeError: kerberos.authGSSClientClean is deprecated.
We are using CIS hardened AWS windows AMI in our production servers. What
this means is the winrm basic authentication is disabled at client and
service level. Now, I am unable to use the ansible to configure/deploy this
server. Can anyone help me in this?
I have searched through several s
I am having similar problem and afterwards used the *kerberos* for host
variable *ansible_winrm_transport.*
I am using ansible version
The worked configuration: