Re: [ansible-project] terminate the whole play if any fatal errors on any host occurs

2023-06-07 Thread Edvinas Kairys
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Re: [ansible-project] terminate the whole play if any fatal errors on any host occurs

2023-06-06 Thread Edvinas Kairys
**skipping: [TEONET01A]* So i still think that it's the bug - the any_errors_fatal: true doenst work in roles. Will, i think this sentence ("Ansible *finishes the fatal task on all hosts in the current batch*"). Means that it f

Re: [ansible-project] terminate the whole play if any fatal errors on any host occurs

2023-06-06 Thread Edvinas Kairys
ors_fatal at the play or block level. >> >> >> I never have used it personally, but are you setting >> any_errors_fatal:true at the task level or playbook level? >> >> >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >> On 6/06/2023, at 6:51 PM, Edvinas Kairy

Re: [ansible-project] terminate the whole play if any fatal errors on any host occurs

2023-06-05 Thread Edvinas Kairys
Hello, thanks for reply. I've two hosts in the play, and one of the hosts assert module doesnt validate to true and fails. With any_errors_fatal command I expect the playbook to stop on all hosts within the play. But in my case, the play stops only on failed host, it continues with other host wher