i'm trying to use Ansible win_dsc module on 2 different windows host (2012 
R2 and 2019).

I install some additional DSC modules like SqlServerDsc using win_psmodule:

 # - name: Powershell | Check for SQLServer DSC Powershell module
  #   win_psmodule:
  #     name: SQLServerDsc
  #     state: present

Then i'm trying to invoke it but i always get an error "Not Found" like i 
didn't install the module:

  - name: Install SQL Server
      resource_name: SqlSetup
      Action: Install
      UpdateEnabled: True
      SourcePath: "{{ mssql_installation_path }}\\Media"
      InstanceName: "{{ mssql_instance_name }}"
      InstallSharedDir: "{{ mssql_installshared_path }}"
      InstallSharedwowDir: "{{ mssql_installsharedwow_path }}"
      InstanceDir: "{{ mssql_instance_path }}"
      InstallSQLDataDir: "{{ mssql_sqlinstalldata_path }}"
      SQLUserDBDir: "{{ mssql_sqluserdata_path }}"
      SQLUserDBLogDir: "{{ mssql_sqluserlog_path }}"
      SQLTempDBDir: "{{ mssql_sqltempDB_path }}"
      SQLTempDBLogDir: "{{ mssql_sqltempDBlog_path }}"
      Features: "{{ mssql_features }}"
      SQLCollation: "{{ mssql_collation }}"
      BrowserSvcStartupType: "{{ mssql_browsersvc_mode }}"
      SuppressReboot: "{{ mssql_suppress_reboot }}"
      SQLSvcAccount_username: "{{ mssql_sqlsvc_account }}"
      SQLSvcAccount_password: "{{ mssql_sqlsvc_account_pass }}"
      # SQL Agent Service Account
      AgtSvcAccount_username: "{{ mssql_agentsvc_account }}"
      AgtSvcAccount_password: "{{ mssql_agentsvc_account_pass }}"
      # SQL Analysis Services Account
      ASSvcAccount_username: "{{ mssql_assvc_account }}"
      ASSvcAccount_password: "{{ mssql_assvc_account_pass }}"
      # System Admins
      SQLSysAdminAccounts: "{{ mssql_sysadmin_accounts }}"
      # Analysis Services Admins (if installed)
      ASSysAdminAccounts: "{{ mssql_asadmin_accounts }}"
    tags: install_sql

The error is:

TASK [Install SQL Server] 
exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use 
-vvv. The error was:    at 
callbackProcessingContext, T currentItem, Boolean moreResults, MiResult 
operationResult, String errorMessage, InstanceHandle errorDetailsHandle)
fatal: [epmlab.tainet]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unhandled 
exception while executing module: Not found "}

Anyone had this kind of issue or give me some help?



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