Hello all,

I have the exact same problem.  In a brand new directory, with new 
ansible.cfg file and hosts file the following playbook fails when I ask the 
password to do sudo, but only with the file module, the command module 
works just fine.
- name: yaml de test de fail.
  hosts: acceptation
  gather_facts: False
    - name: test script general
      command: id
      register: uid
      become: yes
      become_user: wso2
#    - debug: var=uid
    - debug: msg="{{uid.stdout}}"
    - name: copy file tmp
      copy: src=files/blabla.txt dest=/tmp/blabla.txt
      become: yes
      become_user: wso2

Here is the output :

[*Ananke::* 13:09] [Ansible/wso2/TestFails] > ansible-playbook fail.yml 

SUDO password: 

PLAY [yaml de test de fail.] 

TASK: [test script general] 

changed: [acceptation]

TASK: [debug msg="{{uid.stdout}}"] 

ok: [acceptation] => {

    "msg": "uid=500(wso2) gid=500(wso2) groups=500(wso2) 


TASK: [copy file tmp] 

fatal: [acceptation] => ssh connection closed waiting for a privilege 
escalation password prompt

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting


           to retry, use: --limit @/Users/simonpie/fail.retry

acceptation                : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=1    

[*Ananke::* 13:10] [Ansible/wso2/TestFails] > 

Whilst everything works perfectly if I add the NOPASSWD to the sodoer file 
fo the user I use to log into the machine.

Here is the ansible.cfg file :

[*Ananke::* 13:10] [Ansible/wso2/TestFails] > more ansible.cfg 


hostfile = hosts

private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa

library = /Users/ME/Documents/Ansible/wso2/.library

[*Ananke::* 13:15] [Ansible/wso2/TestFails] > 
the hosts file :

[*Ananke::* 13:15] [Ansible/wso2/TestFails] > more hosts 


local ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=2222 


lab ansible_ssh_host=IP ansible_ssh_user=devME 
ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa cutename=labwso2


acceptation ansible_ssh_host=otherIP ansible_ssh_user=accME 
ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa cutename=accwso2

[*Ananke::* 13:16] [Ansible/wso2/TestFails] > 

I have check that all the files mentioned in the ansible-playbook manual 
pages do not exist.  Any idea what could go wrong here ?

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