Hi guys,

I kinda feel ashamed asking this kind of questions but I'm currently
still learning Ansible, only started a week ago and I have to complete
this as a part of a personal project that I will present.

I wrote a simple playbook for changing passwords on linux systems,
will have to add module for windows later but now the issue is with
AIX systems.
User module isn't working for AIX, I tried things from internet but no
success so I wrote a script that changes the password on AIX with 2
arguments, user and password---> as a result the password is changed
for that user.
What I have to do in the playbook is to run copy and run this script
on the remote server with the password and user that I give give using
-e when the remote system is AIX:

- name: User configuration
  remote_user: root
  hosts: "{{ hosts }}"

    - name: Password change Linux
        name: root
        state: present
        update_password: always
        password: "{{ admin_password | password_hash('sha512') }}"
        shell: /bin/bash

    - name: Copy pw change script AIX
        src: /root/docker/centos7-ansible/chpas.sh
        dest: /tmp/chpas.sh
        mode: 0777
      register: script_copy
      when: ansible_distribution == 'AIX'

    - name: Execute pw change AIX script
      command: /tmp/chpas.sh root "{{ admin_password }}"
      when: (ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and
            (script_copy.rc == 1)
      register: script_execute

    - name: Clear files
        path: '/tmp/chpas.sh'
        state: absent
      when: (ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and
            (script_execute.rc== 1)

the error is :

TASK [Gathering Facts]
ok: [ansible_aix]

TASK [Password change Linux]
changed: [ansible_aix] => {"append": false, "changed": true,
"comment": "", "group": 0, "home": "/root", "move_home": false,
"name": "root", "password": "NOT_LOGGING_PASSWORD", "shell":
"/bin/bash", "state": "present", "uid": 0}

TASK [Copy pw change script AIX]
ok: [ansible_aix] => {"changed": false, "checksum":
"d434aee957d8a46a41f92f76936ebcf53848dc1b", "dest": "/tmp/chpas.sh",
"gid": 0, "group": "system", "mode": "0777", "owner": "root", "path":
"/tmp/chpas.sh", "size": 458, "state": "file", "uid": 0}

TASK [Execute pw change AIX script]
fatal: [ansible_aix]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check
'(ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and (script_copy.rc == 1)' failed.
The error was: error while evaluating conditional
((ansible_distribution == 'AIX') and (script_copy.rc == 1)): 'dict
object' has no attribute 'rc'\n\nThe error appears to have been in
'/root/docker/centos7-ansible/chpass.yml': line 22, column 7, but
may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax
problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n    - name: Execute
pw change AIX script\n      ^ here\n"}
        to retry, use: --limit @/root/docker/centos7-ansible/chpass.retry

ansible_aix                : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=1

Attached the yml file since I don't think the code is well aligned after paste.

Thank you very much,

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Attachment: chpass.yml
Description: Binary data

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