Read this article for a more thorough explanation of import vs include and how
conditions on them are handled.
Walter Rowe, Division Chief
Infrastructure Services, OISM
Mobile: 202.355.4123
On Fe
task path: /etc/ansible/webcheckin/alta_carrier/playbook/add_carrier_prod.yaml:6
skipping: [wc2-stage] => {
"changed": false,
"skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"
Look at the red text above. You have a prod task file. Your wc2env variable has
a value of 'stage'. Your task in the
You still haven't shown us a task with the name "Creating DataBase", which
is what's being skipped. Until you show us the tasks and their conditionals
that go with the outputs, we can only guess.
On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 7:57:22 AM UTC-5 wrote:
> This is the entire out
This is the entire output:
ansible-playbook [core 2.12.9]
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/emanuel/.ansible/plugins/modules',
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ansible
ansible coll
We need to see the entire output. This excerpt does not provide enough context.
From what I see it is skipping the PROD because your wc2end is 'stage'. That is
Walter Rowe, Division Chief
Infrastructure Services, OISM
Mobile: 202.355.4123
On Feb 7, 2023, at 7:55 PM, SysAdmin
I’ve tried that way, but it doesn’t work either:
nsible-playbook -i hosts --extra-vars "wc2env=stage carrier=LL"
PLAYBOOK: tasks_target.yaml
Alex pointed out your first mistake, but you also are using moustaches in
'when' when you shouldn't
when: wc2env == 'prod'
conditionals are already in an implied template context.
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The error says all:
"[WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating
delimiters such as {{ }}"
So, your "when" statement should look like:
when: wc2env == 'stage'
Something else:
You are already passing on "wc2env" as an extra variable. You don't need
the lines below,
I again, thank you all for your help, I’m really learning a lot.
I have a new query. I am passing via "extra-vars" a variable called wc2env
and I need to compare it with a string (stage or prod).
Here is my playbook:
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
wc2env: '{{ wc2env }}'
- name: