Hi all, 
I'm trying to write a play I'm going to use as part of a windows system 
reboot "role". I plan to ping the Windows node's WinRM port using curl 
until it's responding.

If the system is down, the curl command will result in an error (exit code 

Here's my play:
- name: Wait for windows reboot
  hosts: windows
  gather_facts: False
    - shell: 'curl -s -f -k <lots of stuff snipped away>'
      register: result2
      until: result2.stdout.find("http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope";)
      retries: 10
      delay: 10
      ignore_errors: yes
      changed_when: False

I'd like it to ignore the error from curl, and just keep trying until it 
gets the correct soap header back. This play is failing on the first run if 
the node is down, and not retrying at all.

Anyone have any pointers on how to do this?

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