Hi ,

Someone barged into my ongoing Discussion . So i had to start  a new 

If my items of lists are not fixed on both the list ,  how do i compare 
Now i have one more issue on the LIST comparison:
If the numbers of items in list is not equal is there way to compare:

suppose my lists are:

    - name: If the List comparision is not equal
        msg: "{{ item.0 }} is not equal to {{ item.1 }}"
      loop: "{{ list1|sort|zip(list2|sort)|list }}"
      when: item.0.split('-')[-1] is not version(item.1.split('-')[-2])

If i execute the playbook,,,,,,all elements on list1 are compared with all 
elements on list2.

I want my o/p should be as follows:
dp-steps-common-3.0.12 not equal to 

iam-service-default-3.1.37 equal to 

iam-python-common-1.0.1 is not present on List2

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