What I have set up so far is working well.

My playbook is:

- hosts: bastion_hosts
  - data/users.yml
  gather_facts: no
  sudo: True
  name: Add/Delete/Update InPowered Users onto an instance. Usually 
    - name: Add Users to the remote system
      user: name={{ item.key }}
            shell={{ item.value.shell }}
            state={{ item.value.state }}
            uid={{ item.value.uid }}
            home={{ item.value.home }}
            comment="{{ item.value.comment }}"
      with_dict: users

    - name: Pushing authorized key to remote server
      authorized_key: user={{ item.key }} key="{{ item.value.ssh_pubkey }}"
      with_dict: users

    - name: Add wheel Group to sudo users
      user: name={{ item.key }}
      when: '{{ item.value.setsudo }} == True'
      with_dict: users

    - name: Copy Private Keys to each user
      debug: var={{ item.value.authkeys }}
      with_dict: users

The authkeys variable contains a list of private key names  "qa, prd, dev"

For each user, I want copy each of the listed private key files into the 
.ssh directory. Something like

      copy:  src=/keypath/{{ first item in item.value.authkeys }}.pem 
dest=/home/{{ item.keys }}/.ssh/{{ first item in item.value.authkeys }}.pem 

But I'm not clear on how to grab the elements out of the authkeys to copy 
down each file.  (Further, I'm thinking I should be using vault, but... one 
step at a time now)

My users.yml file looks like this:

      state: present
      uid: 1027
      comment: "Bob Brown"
      home: /home/bob.brown
      ssh_pubkey: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E..."
      authkeys: "dev,qa,prd,ops"
      shell: /bin/sh
      setsudo: yes

      state: present
      uid: 1041
      comment: "Colin Johnson"
      home: /home/colin.johnson
      ssh_pubkey: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1..."
      authkeys: "dev,qa,prd"
      shell: /bin/sh
      setsudo: no

Thanks to anyone who can help.


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