Im working on an ansible role that allows an application with a distributed 
architecture to be installed on a set of machines.  The architecture 
consists of N independent nodes, which operate within their own address 
space and communicate through HTTP.  So far everything seems 
straightforward.  For each machine, it allow parameters to be overrriden in 
the inventory file per host. For example,


eastcoast01 name="node01" memory=2GB

eastcoast02 name="node02" memory=4GB

This serves the purpose but it is possible that multiple nodes need to be 
installed on the same machine.  As far as i can tell this isn't easily 
supported in Ansible.  Each node can potentially have its own configuration 
settings e.g. different names.

Repeating the same host doesn't achieve what i need - Ansible actions on 
the host only once.

I considered:

eastcoast01 name="node01" memory=2GB instances=2

eastcoast02 name="node02" memory=4GB

But this prevents separate configuration settings per instance.  Can anyone 
suggest a way to achieve this?  

Any approach will need to account for the fact i will need to detect 
multiple instances are on a machine.  I'm assuming this can be achieved in 
Jinja logic.


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