In a stacked switch, 'ansible_net_filesystems_info' of ios_facts module 
only shows free space of master switch. It doesn't show space of member 
switches. But I need to write a script that will check for certain amt of 
free space in EVERY member switch before copying ios image.

I thought of making ansible store free space of every member switch in a 
custom variable and then use parsing to compare free space. But the problem 
is that Pyats/Genie parser (the only parser i finally managed to 
understand) doesn't support below command (it only supports 'sh bootflash:' 
which doesn't work with my switch model). Is there any other parser that 
can help me achieve my objective?

sh flash2: | i bytes free
122185728 bytes total (9308672 bytes free)

On a separate note, i have gone thorugh ansible documentation and several 
sites to understand parsing but i still can't make sense of it. Is there 
any tutorial that heps me understand parsing easily? I have never struggled 
to understand any other ansible concept like the way i struggled for 

Thanks in advance.

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