I believe I figured out my issues.  Since I was including the 2nd playbook, 
references to the main variables had to be {{ item.group }} instead of {{ 
folders.group }}, etc.  Also, in the "when" clause, I found that I needed 
to remove the curly braces and have the entire check in quotes.  Then 
everything worked.


On Monday, June 14, 2021 at 9:32:13 AM UTC-4 lift...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have a playbook that is being included in a role I'm creating:
> - name: Set up permissions
>   include_tasks: sitepermissions.yml
>   loop: "{{ folders }}"
> In sitepermissions.yml, I'm trying to define a block:
>   - name: Create Temp Area
>     block:
>       - name: Create {{ folders.site }} Temp Directory
>         file:
>           path: "/path/to/temp"
>           state: directory
>           mode: 0750
>           owner: root
>           group: "{{ folders.group }}"
>       - name: Set sticky bit on {{ folders.site }} Temp Directory
>         file:
>           path: "/path/to/temp"
>           state: directory
>           mode: g+s
>       - name: Set ACL on {{ folders.site }} EFSTS Directory
>         acl:
>           path: "/path/to/temp"
>           entity: "{{ sitegroup }}"
>           etype: group
>           permissions: rx
>           default: yes
>           state: present
>     when: "{{ folders.createtemp }}" | bool
> When the playbook runs, I get the error:
> (<unknown>): did not find expected comment or line break while scanning a 
> block scalar at line 1220 column 32
> Any ideas on what could be wrong with my block statement?
> Thanks,
> Harry

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