Thanks, Brian

That works.

On Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 2:31:17 PM UTC-4, R-JRI wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a simple yml file to get file or files from a remote host to 
> local host:
> $ cat fetch.yml
> ---
> - hosts: serverA
>   tasks:
>   - name: find the files
>     find:
>       paths: /usr/local/apps/log
>       patterns: AppsAdmin.*.ALLAPPS.20190828*
>       use_regex: True
>     register: Apps_files
>   - debug:
>       var: Apps_files.files.path
>   - name:
>     fetch:
>       src: "{{ item }}"
>       dest: /APPADMIN/ansible/nonprod/DR_test/
>     with_items: "{{ Apps_files.files.path }}"
> The variable 'Apps_files.files.path' is getting from the output of debug.
> Here is the output when ran it.
> [appadmin@serverB][/APPADMIN/ansible/nonprod/DR_test]$ ansible-playbook  
> fetch.yml
> PLAY [serverA] 
> ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> TASK [Gathering Facts] 
> **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> ok: [serverA]
> TASK [find the files] 
> ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> ok: [serverA]
> TASK [debug] 
> ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> ok: [serverA] => {
>     "Apps_files.files.path": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!"
> }
> TASK [fetch] 
> ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> fatal: [serverA]: FAILED! => {"msg": "'list object' has no attribute 
> 'path'"}
> **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> serverA     : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    
> skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
> When debug model only has Apps_files as variable:
> -debug:
>      var: Apps_files
> The output of debug is:
> TASK [debug] 
> ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> ok: [serverA] => {
>     "Apps_files": {
>         "changed": false,
>         "examined": 36,
>         "failed": false,
>         "files": [
>             {
>                 "atime": 1567021803.0147924,
>                 "ctime": 1567021803.0087924,
>                 "dev": 64770,
>                 "gid": 0,
>                 "gr_name": "root",
>                 "inode": 134304,
>                 "isblk": false,
>                 "ischr": false,
>                 "isdir": false,
>                 "isfifo": false,
>                 "isgid": false,
>                 "islnk": false,
>                 "isreg": true,
>                 "issock": false,
>                 "isuid": false,
>                 "mode": "0644",
>                 "mtime": 1567021803.0047922,
>                 "nlink": 1,
>                 "path": 
> "/usr/local/apps/log/AppsAdmin.stop.ALLAPPS.201908281548.21882.log", <-- 
> file wanted to get from serverA
>                 "pw_name": "root",
>                 "rgrp": true,
>                 "roth": true,
>                 "rusr": true,
>                 "size": 10253,
>                 "uid": 0,
>                 "wgrp": false,
>                 "woth": false,
>                 "wusr": true,
>                 "xgrp": false,
>                 "xoth": false,
>                 "xusr": false
>             },
>             {
>                 "atime": 1568752920.7074213,
>                 "ctime": 1567023296.6011353,
>                 "dev": 64770,
>                 "gid": 0,
>                 "gr_name": "root",
>                 "inode": 134315,
>                 "isblk": false,
>                 "ischr": false,
>                 "isdir": false,
>                 "isfifo": false,
>                 "isgid": false,
>                 "islnk": false,
>                 "isreg": true,
>                 "issock": false,
>                 "isuid": false,
>                 "mode": "0644",
>                 "mtime": 1567023296.5971353,
>                 "nlink": 1,
>                 "path": 
> "/usr/local/apps/log/AppsAdmin.start.ALLAPPS.201908281606.30560.log",   <-- 
> file wanted to get from serverA
>                 "pw_name": "root",
>                 "rgrp": true,
>                 "roth": true,
>                 "rusr": true,
>                 "size": 8549,
>                 "uid": 0,
>                 "wgrp": false,
>                 "woth": false,
>                 "wusr": true,
>                 "xgrp": false,
>                 "xoth": false,
>                 "xusr": false
>             }
>         ],
>         "matched": 2,
>         "msg": ""
>     }
> }
> So I modified variable of 'debug' to 'Apps_files.files.path' for the file 
> name and location that I want to get. Does anyone know why it failed? 
> Thanks.

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