Let us say, I have four servers. A,B,C and D. I want to deploy SSH public 
keys from A to C and also from C to D. How can I do with ansible playbook ?

On Saturday, 3 August 2013 07:19:19 UTC-7, Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've recently fallen in love with Ansible and I'm "playbook'ing" all my 
> install scripts. I'm currently stuck on a problem for a ninjabackup setup 
> playbook.
> Let's consider server A that will store its backups to server B. I would 
> like the playbook to do the following:
> - set up ninjabackup on server A
> - create a user "backup" on server B
> - copy A's root public ssh key to B's backup user authorized_keys.
> I also would like B to be defined as a variable that is specific to A in 
> order to write a generic playbook that could be used to setup cross-backup 
> between servers A and B (and C, D...) using a host-specific variable file, 
> e.g. "vars/A_backup.yml"
> Can a playbook have sub-playbooks allowing to specifiy a "hosts" directive 
> containing variables defined by the parent playbook?
> I am going the wrong way, having missed the obvious to achieve this?
> Thanks,
> Sylvain

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