[ansible-project] Re: Storing private ssh keys in variables

2014-07-31 Thread Stephen Gargan
I do something similar to this to store sensitive files in vault. I base64 encode the data and set the variable with the resulting encoded string. Then in my template I use the b64decode filter when applying the variable. in your vault file private_key: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1J

[ansible-project] Re: Storing private ssh keys in variables

2014-07-27 Thread ramon
I think we do something similar with SSL certificates. First, we use the multi-line YAML notation ni the vars file: ssl_private_key: | -BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY- ETC... Note the spacing in front of the lines, that's required. In case you don't need the actual newlines on the other end,