Nevermind, I found my own error for rescue just put command: 
ansible-playbook ###.yml

Not sure what I was thinking.

On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 6:43:36 AM UTC-5, Mike C wrote:
> Hi all,
> im having trouble with the block/rescue functionality.
> Here is my code:
> ```
>     - block:
>       - name: wget consul from artifactory
>         get_url:
>           url: '{{ consul_url }}'
>           checksum: 'sha256:{{ consul_sha256 }}'
>           dest: '{{ consul_home }}'
>           timeout: 5
>         register: downloaded_consul
>       rescue:
>         - name: wget consul to localhost
>           get_url:
>             url: '{{ consul_url }}'
>             checksum: 'sha256:{{ consul_sha256 }}'
>             dest: ./
>           register: wget_local
>           run_once: true
>           delegate_to: localhost
>           become: false
>         - name: copy zip file over
>           copy:
>             src: '{{ wget_local.dest }}'
>             dest: '{{ consul_home }}/'
>           register: copied_consul
>       tags:
>         - upgrade
>     - name: Extract consul executable files
>       unarchive:
>         src:  '{{ item.src }}'
>         dest: '{{ item.dest }}'
>         copy: false
>       with_items:
>         - src: '{{ consul_home }}/consul_{{ consul_version 
> }}'
>           dest: '{{ consul_home }}'
>       when: (downloaded_consul|default({}))|changed or 
> (copied_consul|default({}))|changed
>       register: consul_unarchive
>       tags:
>         - upgrade
> ```
> so what i expect to happen is that if for some reason `wget consul from 
> artifactory` does not complete for some hosts, it will execute the rescue 
> block and download it locally and then upload it to the server.
> If i run that playbook, im getting:
> ```
> TASK [consul : wget consul from artifactory] 
> ***********************************
> fatal: [server2]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": 
> "failed to create temporary content file: timed out"}
> fatal: [client1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": 
> "failed to create temporary content file: timed out"}
> changed: [server1]
> changed: [server3]
> TASK [consul : Extract consul executable files] 
> ********************************
> changed: [server1] => (item={u'dest': u'/var/lib/consul', u'src': 
> u'/var/lib/consul/'})
> ok: [server2 -> localhost]
> ```
> which completely skips the rescue block after `wget consul from 
> artifactory` fails.
> Any ideas on whats happening here ? Am i using block/rescue wrong ?
> Cheers
> ```
> ansible --version
> ansible
>   configured module search path = Default w/o overrides
> ```

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