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On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 8:27:53 AM UTC+2, gary mcwilliams wrote:
> A minimal playbook
> ---
> # vim: set filetype=ansible ff=unix ts=2 sw=2 ai expandtab :
> #
> # Playbook to configure the environment
> - hosts: createuser
>   tasks:
>     - name: create user
>       run_once: true
>       win_user:
>         name: gary
>         password: 'B0bP4ssw0rd123!^'
>         password_never_expires: true
>         account_disabled: no
>         account_locked: no
>         password_expired: no
>         state: present
>         groups:
>           - Administrators
>           - Users
> When I run first time I get:
> PLAY [createuser] ************************
> TASK [Gathering Facts] *******************
> ok: [dsy-demo-mssql02]
> TASK [create user] ***********************
> changed: [dsy-demo-mssql02]
> PLAY RECAP *******************************
> dsy-demo-mssql02           : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0
> When I re-run, I get:
> PLAY [createuser] ************************
> TASK [Gathering Facts] *******************
> ok: [dsy-demo-mssql02]
> TASK [create user] ***********************
> fatal: [dsy-demo-mssql02]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, 
> "msg": "Exception calling \"ValidateCredentials\" with \"2\" argument(s): 
> \"The network path was not found.\r\n\""}
> NO MORE HOSTS LEFT ***********************
>         to retry, use: --limit 
> @/root/ansible_windows/createuser-playbook.retry
> PLAY RECAP *******************************
> dsy-demo-mssql02           : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1
> Just trying to work out if there is anything obvious I could be doing 
> wrong.
> I have verified that I can login to the created account.
> verbose output is not much different:
> TASK [create user] *********************************
> task path: /root/ansible_windows/createuser-playbook.yml:9
> Using module file 
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_user.ps1
> local\\Administrator on PORT 5986 TO dsy-demo-mssql02
> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
> fatal: [dsy-demo-mssql02]: FAILED! => {
>     "changed": false,
>     "failed": true,
>     "msg": "Exception calling \"ValidateCredentials\" with \"2\" 
> argument(s): \"The network path was not found.\r\n\""
> }

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