[ansible-project] Using ansible on Windows through ssh

2018-10-11 Thread aaldi
I've noticed some posts from a year ago (here , and here ) about using OpenSSH on windows and avoiding WinRM. Are there any updates to this? Has this been implemented yet? -- You received this

[ansible-project] Using Ansible w/ Windows with strict security

2016-11-11 Thread bigbookcp
Our environment is under some pretty strict security requirements and it's causing lots of issues. First, we don't have an active directory set up (all local accounts, I know it's stupid but I'm just the idiot trying to clean it up). Then, we have this LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry

[ansible-project] Using ansible on windows with UAC enabled

2016-02-02 Thread Marc Farrow
Hi All, This is a basic question as I'm just getting started with Ansible. I've got this working perfectly on our Linux distributions but not on Windows. Our environment dictates we need UAC enabled and we cannot use the built in administrator account for day to day activities. With ansible

[ansible-project] Using ansible with windows

2015-06-03 Thread David Teague
Hi, I am following the guide to get windows prepared to be managed by ansible. However I am getting errros in powershell with the provided script. https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/examples/scripts/ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 Errors - At