
I am setting up a new VMware virtual machine from a template using a 
Ansible playbook.

I want to be able to change the datastore and the network (vm_disk and 
vm_nic) of the VM during the setup of the VM. But when I add this 
information into the playbook (see below), nothing happens.
The new VM is created, but the datastore and network have not been adjust 
to what I requested in the playbook. They have remained the same as what 
the template image is.

Am I doing something incorrect in the playbook? Or is this not possible 
with Ansible?

Playbook (highlighted in bold is what is not being adjusted)


 - hosts:

   connection: local

   user: root

   sudo: false

   gather_facts: false

   serial: 1


     vcenter_hostname: uk.company.local


     name: TEST-SERVER01

     vmtemplate: winserver2012

*     disktype: thin*

*     datastore: uk-datastore01*

*     nic_type: e1000e*

*     network: Web Servers*

*     network_type: standard*

     vmcluster: UK-CLUSTER

     username: username

     password: password

     folder: Utilities

     notes: Created by Ansible



    - name: Create VM from template


        vcenter_hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"

        username: "{{ username }}"

        password: "{{ password }}"

        guest: "{{ name }}"


          notes: "{{ notes }}"

          folder: "{{ folder }}"

        from_template: yes

        template_src: "{{ vmtemplate }}"

        cluster: "{{ vmcluster }}"

*        vm_disk:*

*          disk1:*

*            type: "{{ disktype }}"*

*            datastore: "{{ datastore }}"*

*        vm_nic:*

*          nic1:*

*            type: "{{ nic_type }}"*

*            network: "{{ network }}"*

*            network_type: "{{ network_type }}"*

        resource_pool: "/Resources"



          datacenter: UK

          hostname: "{{ esxhost }}"

If I look at the example on the Ansible website, it doesn't look like it 
gives the option to allow this unless you setup a VM from an ISO file. 
I ant to have the same functionality if I use a template.


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