*I could login the cisco device with SSH and run the show version 
[root@peklnelh03 ansible]# ssh xxxx...@10.106.65.xxx
x...@10.106.65.xxx's password: 
This is a private property facility to be accessed and used for Lenovo
internal systems. Unauthorized Access Prohibited!
*  Warning Notice:                                                    *
*    ip verify reverse-path interface is not supported      *
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
CNSHPFW5510-01> show version

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 8.2(5)51 
Device Manager Version 5.2(4)
*However, I run the ios_command with ansible, I got this error:*

TASK [ios_command] 
fatal: [10.106.65.xxx]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "commands": "terminal 
length 0", "failed": true, "msg": "terminal length 0\r\n                 
^\r\nERROR: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.\r\n\r> "}

- hosts: ios
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local

  - name: LOGIN
    include_vars: secrets.yaml

  - name: PROVIDER
        host: "{10.106.65.xxx}"
        username: "{xxx}"
        password: "{6785493@bcdD}"
        auth_pass: "{cisco}"
  - ios_command:
      host: "10.106.65.xxxxx"
      username: "xxxxxx"
      password: "6785493@bcdD"
      port: "22"
        - show version
    register: version
  - debug: var=version.stdout_lines
*Could someone give me some advice to fix this issue?*

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