Hello everyone,

I have a small problem and I am not sure whether this is a bug or "works as 
defined". We have a few Junos devices we are configuring and they require 
ansible_connection=local, but since 2.0 if one of the hosts/inventory items 
fails, he does not simply skip this one host, but all. Here is a simple 
sample to simulate this behaviour without the need for a Junos host:

Inventory (where is down):
[junos] ansible_connection=local ansible_connection=local ansible_connection=local ansible_connection=local

Playbook (as port use something that is reachable ;) ):
- name: play1
  hosts: junos
  gather_facts: no
    - name: task1
      wait_for: host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=22 timeout=5
    - name: task2
      wait_for: host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=22 timeout=5

- name: play2
  hosts: junos
  gather_facts: no
    - name: task3
      wait_for: host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=22 timeout=5

What I would expect:

   1. starting play1
   2. running task1, failing on
   3. running task2 only for the non-failed hosts
   4. starting play2
   5. running task3 only for the non-failed hosts

What actually happens, is that he is not even starting play2. I suspect 
that the connection=local makes ansible behave like all four hosts are 
actually only one hosts. And since this one host failed skip it in all 
other plays. If you remove ansible_connection=local from each host 
(assuming they are ssh-able) it works as expected.

Is this a bug? Should I put this in Ansible Development?

Best regards,

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