I want to create a csv with 3 values per host

the FQDN of the host, a string "postgres" and the stdout of a vairable I have 

here is my playbook which I am testing againt 3 hosts which all have running 
postgres, so I expect/aim at 3 lines


- hosts: postgres
  vars_files: defaults.yml

    - name: check services - postgresql.service
        cmd: systemctl is-active postgresql.service
      register: pg_active
      ignore_errors: true

    - name: print value of 'pg_active.stdout'
        msg: postgresql is "{{ pg_active.stdout }}"
      # when: pg_active.stdout == "active"

    - name: check utf8 - postgres (if running)
        cmd: /opt/db/postgres/postgresql/bin/psql -tAc "SHOW server_encoding;"
      when: pg_active.stdout == "active"
      register: pg_encoding
      become: true
      become_user: "{{ postgres_become_user }}"

    - name: check utf8 - print value of 'pg_encoding.stdout'
        msg: "{{ pg_encoding.stdout }}"
      when: pg_active.stdout == "active"

    - name: CSV - Create file and set the header
      delegate_to: localhost
        dest: "./ignore/{{ ansible_play_name }}.csv"
        create: yes
        state: present

    - name: write result to output.csv
      delegate_to: localhost
        dest: "./ignore/{{ ansible_play_name }}.csv"
        line: >
          {{ ansible_fqdn }};{{ ansible_play_name}};{{ pg_encoding.stdout }}
        insertafter: EOF
      when: pg_active.stdout == "active"


This basically does what it should. However it creates an empty line between 
the hosts and does append entries if the output-file already exists.

I am aware that I can delete empty line with lineinfile but was wondering 
whether there is a way not net create them to begin with.

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