Hello all, 

I am currently looking at a quote issue in an ansible nested variable and i 
cannot get it clear why it is not working. Can you help me out?

Some details: 

I want to get the first value (x55) with a regular expression: 

and place this value in a file called rack.

Ansible task file:
- include_vars: default.yml

- name: 'Place files'
  template: >
    src={{ item.src }}
    dest={{ item.dest }}
    owner=root group=root mode=0644
    - { src: klaas/attributes/rack.j2 , dest: "/klaas/attributes/rack"}
  register: klaasconfig

- name: Remove latest file and restart
  file: directory=/tmp/klaas/meta/slaves/latest/ state=absent
  when: klaasconfig.changed
  notify: restart klompendans

rack.j2 file: 
{{ rack }}

default.yml file: 
firewalld_zone: kees
rack: "{{ ansible_hostname | regexp_replace(.*?)(?=\-) }}"

Now the error: 

Note: The error may actually appear before this position: line 8, column 52

firewalld_zone: kees
rack: "{{ ansible_hostname | regexp_replace(.*?)(?=\-) }}"
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes.  Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:

      - {{ foo }}

Should be written as:

      - "{{ foo }}"


According to my git commits I have changed the regex to (and a couple more, 
but it shows i do not know how to handle this regex): 
rack: {{ ansible_hostname | regexp_replace(.*?)(?=\-) }}
rack: {{ ansible_hostname | regexp_replace"(.*?)(?=\-)" }}
rack: "{{ ansible_hostname | regexp_replace('(.*?)(?=\-)') }}"
rack: {{ ansible_hostname | regexp_replace('(.*?)(?=\-)') }}
rack: "{{ ansible_hostname | regexp_replace((.*?)(?=\-)) }}"

The regex 'should' work because i have tried it a couple of times with sed 
and python/javascript 

Thanks so much for helping!


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