Sorry for novice posting. May be later you can redirect me to proper way
for such problems. Now I just do not understand ant's error message
D:\boris\lab\CanadianPersonal\build.xml:25: Could not create task of
type: ejbjar. Common solutions are to use taskdef to declare your task,
or, if this is
Iam getting the following problems when I try to use ANT. Iam a newbie and
any help is greatly appreciated
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] - jakarta-struts 1.0 -
[echo] java.class.path =
ase dir set to: D:\temp\Javatest
> Build sequence for target `dist' is [init, compile, dist]
> Complete build sequence is [init, compile, dist, clean]
> init:
> compile:
> [javac] added as D:\temp\Javatest\build\TestApp.class
> doesn'
> xist.
[javac] build.xml skipped - don't know how to handle it
[javac] TestApp.class skipped - don't know how to handle it
[javac] dist\lib\MyProject-20020101.jar skipped - don't know how to
[javac] skipped - don't
Are your handwritten and generated JSP's in the same directory? I'm
assuming so based on what I can tell from what you describe.
My recommendation would be to keep generated files separate from true
"source" files in a separate directory. Bring them together at build-time.
Would that solve thi