Hi guys, If I installed the binary version of ANT, does that mean I do not
have the source files for ANT?
Hi guys,
Can someone give me the path to where I can find the source files. ( i.e
Copy. java for )
thanks alot
Where do the source files, i.e Copy.java exist on the apache site?
"Mark Ayad"
Remove your java.exe in C:/WINNT/System32. (This is a previous installed
version of jdk installed on your system). If you don't want to fully delete
the file copy to another directory.
Hi guys,
How do I acutally implement this in a build.xml file?
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import java.util.*;
public class MyVeryOwnTask extends Task {
private String msg;
Is this jar file on the site:http://jakarta.apache.org/ant ?
Matthew Inger
Where can I find 'optional perforce stuff' ?
Les Hughes