> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trogdon, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: June 28, 2001 10:34 AM
> To: 'Shaikh, Mehmood'
> Subject: RE: VAJload and name attribute
> ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Open Mouth ... Insert Foot, Calf, and Knee
> On further invistigation I found that the name and version 
> were not as it
> appeared.
> A project name and version that appeared as:
> SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0 010626 DET 00E
> I asumed the name was
> SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0
> and the version was
> 010626 DET 00E
> since the version conforms to our practice in assigning versions.
> In reality the name was:
> SpacedObject ABC
> and the version was
> 3.1.0 010626 DET 00E:
> once I editited my script from:
> <vajproject name="SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0" version="010626 DET 00E"/>
> to:
> <vajproject name="SpacedObject ABC" version="3.1.0 010626 DET 00E"/>
> it now runs fine. doh :)
> Thank goodness ...
> my apologies in advance
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shaikh, Mehmood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 3:27 PM
> Subject: RE: VAJload and name attribute
> David, How were you able to create a project with a "." in 
> the name, i use
> VAJ 3.0.2 , and it doesnt allow me to create a project with 
> punctuation
> mark. i.e. As soon as i enter a punctuation mark (.,][- etc.) 
> in the project
> name VAJ gives an error saying "invalid project name".
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trogdon, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: June 27, 2001 1:06 PM
> Subject: RE: VAJload and name attribute
> I appreciate the feed back but the version does not seem to 
> be the problem.
> To expand a bit on the example below:
> I have a project named:
> SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0
> in addition it has a version similar to:
> 010626 DET 00E
> When useing the VAJLoad task it takes the form
> <vajproject name="SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0" version="010626 DET 00E"/>
> With the CORRECT name, running ant produces the message:
> [vajload] No Projects match the name SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0
> yet the the remaining projects load and ANT returns a sucessful build
> message.
> If you change the project name in the script to something like:
> SpacedObject ABC
> leaving off the numbers in the name, then ANT will proceess 
> the script up to
> that point and return a BUILD FAILED.
> Again note ... this is the project NAME .... The version is a seperate
> parameter and does not seem to be a problem.
> Again .. the problem seems to be that when useing the CORRECT NAME
> CONTAINING NUMBERS, VAJLoad or ANT fails to match the name 
> correctly, the
> project does not load to the workspace and you get a 
> sucessful build even
> though the project does not load.
> Its there some way to perhaps break the name up, use format 
> specifies and
> concatinate the name back togather?
> In short, is there someway to make the dang think work?
> Thanks
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shaikh, Mehmood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 12:06 PM
> Subject: RE: VAJload and name attribute
> I've never had any problems with loading project names of 
> length higher than
> yours. There's one thing to keep in mind that , VA Workspace 
> displays the
> project name by appending a version number to it, so if your 
> workspace has a
> project, say, "SpacedObject ABC" version "3.1.0", you'll see 
> "SpacedObject
> ABC 3.1.0" in the workspace, however you'll see only 
> "SpacedObject ABC" in
> repository explorer.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trogdon, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: June 27, 2001 11:18 AM
> Subject: VAJload and name attribute
> Howdy
> When loading projects into the workspace there seems to be 
> some limitations
> on the name attribute.
> I have 3 projects that have numbers in the name similar to:
> JavaMedia Watchamacallit 010424
> SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0
> SpacedObject Veeger 3.3
> Projects listed befor and after these will load.
> I tried something like SpacedObject Veeger** just for grins 
> and it caused
> the script to FAIL and stop.
> Any suggestions or soulutions short of renameing the projects?
> Thanks
> David

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