Hi David,

I don't use VAJ and have never played with the plugin, so I cannot
help.  I've changed the subject line and quoted your full mail so that
VAJ experts who have skipped this thread so far could jump in.

David Trogdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the info Stefan
> I am now in the process of trying to work through this. Trying to
> get the VAJ Ant plugin to work has been a chore.
> I downloaded the Ant application from http://jakarta.apache.org/ant
> When installing VAJ I accepted the default installation which is :
> C:\Program Files\IBM\Visual Age for Java\
> The instructions for the plugin installation state:
> "We assume C:\IBMVJava as VAJ install directry. If you have
> installed it elsewhere, adapt the paths below."
> The instructions continue with :
> "Create the directory C:\IBMJava\ide\tools\org-apache-tools-ant."
> Which I interpeted as  "C:\Program Files\IBM\Visual Age for
> Java\ide\tools\org-apache-tools-ant" for my system.
> The instructins go on to state :
> "export the Ant and XMP parser class files into this directory."
> This results in the ant.jar being located in :
> C:\Program Files\IBM\VisualAge for
> Java\ide\tools\org-apache-tools-ant\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs
> It appears this is a problem. In addition I initally installed Ant
> to run from a Command Window in F:\CM\ANT to run some test
> scripts. These scripts ran sucessfully with the enviornment settings
> :
> JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.2.2
> and %ANT_HOME%/bin added to the PATH
> Thse are still the current Windows 2000 enviornment settings.
> Whew!!!
> I am not 100% sure on the best approach to restructure this so it
> will work.  Your advise is much appreciated.
> Thanks
> David T.

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