On Fri 19/Jul/2024 14:07:56 +0200 Markus de Brün wrote:
## D.1. Illegal Content Online: What's Our Role as a Regional Internet Registry
Maria Stafyla, RIPE NCC

The presentation is available at: https://ripe88.ripe.net/wp-content/uploads/presentations/58-RIPE-88-AntiAbuse-WG-Illegal-Content-Online-Our-role-as-an-RIR.pdf

Maria gave a high level summary of what the RIPE NCC’s role is as a Regional Internet Registry and its involvement in addressing illegal online content. She highlighted that they help identify holders of Internet resources [...]

I wasn't at the meeting.

If I had been there, I'd have asked if the RIRs databases could grow more fine-grained. Usually they contain just the ISP address. When you send complaints to their abuse-c, if they reply, the reply informs you that they forwarded the complaint to the actual holder of the IP address.

That's not quite identifying holders of Internet resources, is it? I understand privacy concerns, but what if an actual holder of an IP range wants to be publicly known? ISPs typically refuse to do RIPE registration of the IPs they assign, perhaps because it would be more work for them. What about self-registration, then?

Being registered at a RIR is required by some DNSBLs to accept delisting 


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