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'America had it coming'



LONDON: In London, a disabled Muslim cleric with a passport revoked by the government, a following across continents and ambitions to convert the West to Islam, pronounces on the attacks in New York and Washington: "America had it coming".

Even as he faces the predictable rush of Western hostility and suspicion against a section of the Muslim community, Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, founder and leader of the radical Al Muhajiroun group, told The Times of India, "Yes, it is Muslims who have done this. There is no one else who would feel that much anger against America".

Al Muhajiroun, which has offices here, in Pakistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Mauritius, is alleged to train "fighters" for Kashmir, the Palestinian territories and Chechnya.

Sheikh Omar, who openly acknowledges that he shares ideas and information and has friends and acquaintances among some of the Muslim groups denounced as terrorist organisations worldwide, said in an exclusive interview that he had spoken to 68 groups since the attacks happened on Tuesday.

"I have spoken to everyone, jehadi groups, radical groups, people who offer support of all sorts. You name it: Algeria’s GIA, Hezbollah, Hamas, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish –e Mohammed, Tanzeem ul Jihad of Egypt… none of them know who did it, none of them claim responsibility, but everyone is agreed that these are the consequences of American atrocities".

The Al-Muhajiroun leader, who is bitterly opposed to Britain’s new anti-terrorism law, "which makes it an offence even to carry a pamphlet supporting Lashkar-e-Taiba", added however, that he had not spoken to those close to Osama bin Laden, the wealthy Saudi exile that America regards as its enemy number one. "We don’t agree with bin Laden’s methodology," he said blandly.

In the hours since the attacks on American soil, the world media has been increasingly keen to hear the views of Sheikh Omar, a Syrian exile, who advocates pan-Islamic militancy against the West.

Craftily denying that he had "arms training camps," Sheikh Omar would only say that several young Muslim men in his group "follow their religious obligation to keep fit and have physical training".

Sheikh Omar, a spokesman for the International Islamic Front, is seen to represent the growing radical Islamic threat across the Western world, not least in Britain, France and Germany with their huge Muslim populations running into several millions.

Even as the British prime minister insisted on Wednesday that it was time for right-thinking Muslims to make clear that "acts of terrorism and savagery were wholly contrary to the Islamic faith", Sheikh Omar repeated that "Muslims believe that if they die for a just cause they go to paradise".

Commentators warn of the inherent potential for conflict, something West Asia expert Toby Dodge describes as "a very worrying climate for Muslims in Europe, especially with talk of a civilisational clash".

But Sheikh Omar, for one, remains unconcerned and outspoken. "They rush to judge Muslim groups because they feel guilty that they have done something to us. The question is not who did it, but why America creates more enemies than friends".

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