
Will LMNOP walk 936 miles?

George Bush says this is a
Crusade Against Evil that 
will last for 6 years!
That's a lot of walking
against it.

  George Bush says his Crusade Against Evil will last for six years. 
Why six years, you might well ask.  Don't, or Uncle John Ashcroft will
accuse you of aiding terrorism.

  Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace has weekly walks against
the war every Sunday at 3 around Lake Merritt in Oakland.  (See
IndyMedia calendar for details).

  Lake Merritt is almost exactly 3 miles around.  Six years is 312
weeks.  312 weeks X 3 miles = 936 miles.

  That's a lot of miles!  In fact, if you headed North from Oakland &
walked them all in one fell swoop you would find yourself at the
Canadian border.

  Maybe that's not a bad idea, considering we live in a country with a
president who gleefully looks forward to six more years of war.

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