
> -Caveat Lector-
> 9/11: Demand To See The Video Footage
> by Art Bishop   
> The Sherlock Holmes mystery the "Silver Blaze" was about the theft of an
> expensive race horse from its stable. During the investigation, Inspector
> Gregory of Scotland Yard asked Holmes if there was any particular aspect of
> the crime calling for additional study. Holmes replied "Yes," and pointed to
> "the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime." Inspector Gregory replied,
> "The dog did nothing in the night-time." Holmes said, "That was the curious
> incident." In this case, the failure of the dog to bark when Silver Blaze was
> stolen showed the watch dog knew the thief. This was an important material
> fact; it considerably reduced the number of suspects, and eventually solved
> the case. 
> Having said that; I would like to ask one question: I have searched the web
> thru and thru and high and low but could find NOTHING to answer my question.
> So, short of asking Jeeves, I would like to toss the question out to you and
> you tell me. As far as I know, this is the FIRST time this question has ever
> bin raised on the Internet, or ANYWHERE else.
> As anyone who has been to a modern day airport has probably noticed, there are
> security cameras that record your every move from the minute your car drives
> in the parking lot to you walking up to the ticket counter - to you going
> through the x-ray machine to you sitting in the departure lounge and boarding
> your plane. 
> Are you with me so far? Does anyone dispute this FACT? Can anyone tell you
> otherwise? 
> Okay, now to my question. I want to take you to a black-and-white
> still-picture shown to the WORLD of two men checking in to an airport. One of
> them was called Atta, the other was ... does anyone remember his name? Does
> anybody really care? We got the BIG BAD ARAB MOSLEM ringleader Mohammad Atta.
> That's all that matters, right?
> The question that has been nagging me for nine months that NOBODY has asked
> is: Where the hell is the footage of the 17 OTHER 'hijackers'? All we were
> shown were 19 passport pictures of 19 'dead men.' I'd like to see the footage
> of ALL of the 19 'hijackers' entering the airport, checking in, going through
> the x-ray machines, and boarding the bloody plane. Please, do you mind,
> I'd even settle to see some still-pictures of them checking into the airport.
> Is it too much to ask? I need proof. I hunger for the truth. I don't trust the
> F.B.I. any more (or is it the F.I.B.)? Do you?
> Even the smallest 7-11 store has a video camera and VCR taping 24 hours a day.
> Those airport cameras are pointed in one direction (direction can be
> controlled by viewers in the nerve center) and are ALL over the airport. There
> is NO WAY that the "19 ALLEGED" hijackers ... (I say ALLEGED because I have
> seen NO PROOF AS OF TODAY) could have gotten on those planes without getting
> their video taken at VARIOUS parts of the airport.
> I don't think that ANY PASSENGER could get in any airport in the USA
> regardless of how SMALL or how BIG the airport and board a plane without
> having his picture taken SEVERAL TIMES. So where the flock are those tapes and
> why won't they show us so I can shut up and go home?
> You know what? IF they had those tapes ... they WOULDA SHOWN them to us OVER
> and OVER and OVER. But they don't have them!
> Forgive me for doubting and bringing up this maybe irrelevant point, but these
> are extraordinary times, and these are very relevant questions you should be
> asking yourselves. And while we're at it, I have six more NAGGING questions:
> 1) I'd like to see pictures of the plane that crashed into the Pennsylvania
> countryside. I never saw ONE shred of debris of a plane. Did you? Has anybody
> seen ONE picture of a plane? In this day and age where we have footage of the
> lowliest car chase, we only have ONE picture of that plane that crashed in
> Pittsburg? All I saw were trees and some sort of sand dune debris in the
> background. I am in no way implying anything, but PLEASE SHOW US. And that
> BLACK BOX should be made public. It's fishy/suspicious to say the least when
> it is only "revealed" to the grieving family members who were sworn to
> secrecy. Has anyone heard a peep from them since? Why the secrecy? Because
> there was NO MENTION of ARABS anywhere on these taped conversations? If there
> INDEED were ARAB HIJACKERS, then we would've heard at least ONE "dirty Arab!"
> from one of the alleged passenger conversations, don't you think?
> 2) I'd like to see the same for the Pentagon 'plane crash.' I have gone
> through ALL the pictures made available. Where's the plane? Where are the
> wings? Where is the tail? Did the four engines evaporate into thin air? Where
> are the black boxes (supposedly found September 14) for crying out loud? Why
> were the 'hijackers' names not on the plane's manifest? Why were there no ARAB
> names in ANY of the four 'planes' manifests? Was it a missile that hit the
> Pentagon? A truck bomb a la Oklahoma? Shades of Timothy McVeigh? Or was it an
> INSIDE JOB? TODAY ... nine months later ... no BLACK BOXES? WHY?
> 3) If there are no planes in Pittsburgh and the Pentagon, and there are no
> hijackers, what the flock REALLY happened? Remote controlled planes in the WTC
> case, or was it our very own homegrown American home-boy terrorists? Or was it
> the SHADOW GOVERNMENT? Was it the Mossad? WHO WHO?
> 4) Why has the MAIN Anthrax suspect NOT been arrested yet? Are the Feds afraid
> of him being a ZIONIST?
> 5) Were the Mailbox bombs Bin Laden and Saddam's work too? Nope. Abada abada
> aba dat's all folks! It was Khaddaffyduck!
> 6) Will King George Bush the Second declare MARTIAL LAW abolishing the writ of
> habeas corpus making everyone and anyone (like us) who opposes the war on
> terror and who questions what's going on a terrorist, too?
> The curious incident of the dog in the night time. Why didn't the dog (FBI)
> bark? 
> Elementary my dear Watson ... 'Cause he (the dog) (F.I.B.) knew the culprit,
> that's why. 
> I honestly believe that Bush and Company not only knew about 9-11 ... they
> facilitated its happening. Just look at the face of that clown when it was
> whispered in his ear that 9-11 was happening. It speaks volumes.
> My OTHER worry is that with their new powers, the F.I.B will harass us and
> call us terrorists for being AGAINST their phony WAR and make us criminals for
> criticizing the president "in a time of WAR."
> If those NINETEEN MEN were in OUR AIRPORTS, and we have security cameras ALL
> OVER OUR AIRPORTS, that should translate into our having FOOTAGE in our hands.
> Why do I have to go LOOKING for clues? We're SUPPOSED to have in OUR POSESSION
> footage of 19 MEN. We should have footage of ALL the passengers that entered
> those airports THAT DAY. Where is the footage, Watson? WHERE izzit? I'll tell
> you where ... nowhere. It doesn't exist.
> I'm trembling as I write this to you, Doc, because I think WE COULD BE ON TO
> SOMETHING BIG here. If there is no footage of the 19 alleged hijackers (and
> there is no plausible reason on earth why there is no footage), then it only
> follows that there WERE NO 19 hijackers on those flights. N'est ce pas mon
> chere, Watson? 
> THINK. Think and ask your congressmen or senators. Or, on second thought ...
> what good will that do? They're so scared shitless of Dick Cheney that we
> haven't heard a whimper. It's up to us. What the flock do we do? How do we
> stop the Madness? We're ALL going to suffe,r my brothers - Republican,
> Democrat, Libertarian or Green. We're ALL going to lose in a war against a
> ciliziazation of 1.4 billion Arabs, Pakistanis and Moslems.
> Something is VERY WRONG HERE. There can be no denying it. We are being led
> into a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR by people who can't explain what they knew BEFORE
> 9-11 and why I they didn't share it with a public that entrusted them to
> PROTECT them? 
> DEMAND to SEE THE FOOTAGE OF ALL THE 19 (alleged) HIJACKERS. The 19 hijackers
> are a myth as far as I'm concerned. If they don't have the tapes, then who
> flew those planes? Were they remote controlled? I'd give anything to know.
> DEMAND to SEE THE FOOTAGE OF ALL THE 19 (alleged) HIJACKERS. I'm asking for
> families of the victims should DEMAND that they release the AIRPORT TAPES.


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