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"Under the cover of protecting pseudo-religious
values, the Taliban are preparing a base to expand
militant extremism and separatism beyond the borders
of the region." [But not without the invaluable
assistance of Human Rights Watch, Institute for War
and Peace Reporting and the International Crisis

FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2001 

'Pak plans jehadi belt around India' 

MOSCOW: Pakistan plans to encircle India with a jehadi
belt and destabilise peace in Central Asia, a top
field commander of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance has

"Pakistan's strategic goal is to create a belt of
Islamic jehad around India," and disturb peace in
Central Asia with assistance from the Taliban,
commander of anti-Taliban forces in Panjshir sector,
Bismillah Khan, told a Russian daily. 

Also, despite US sanctions, Taliban continues to
receive arms from Pakistan, Vremya Novostyei quoted
him as saying. 

Another senior leader of the Northern alliance, former
interior minister in the Rabbani government, Yunis
Kanuni said the key to peace in Afghanistan is in the
hands of Islamabad as the Taliban militia is a
"Pakistani puppet". 

Meanwhile, Russia has warned against establishment of
an international terrorist centre on the
Taliban-controlled Afghan territory amid media reports
about the appointment of Saudi billionaire Osama bin
Laden as the chief of the Taliban forces and Juma
Namangani as his deputy. 

"Under the cover of protecting pseudo-religious
values, the Taliban are preparing a base to expand
militant extremism and separatism beyond the borders
of the region," the Russian foreign ministry said in a
( PTI )  

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