
WABC. 5 March 2003. Students Take Part In Day Of Anti-War Protests
Across NYC.

NEW YORK -- Students around our area took part in the first of several
massive protests against a possible war with Iraq early Wednesday

The movement, called "Books Not Bombs," involves both high school and
college-aged students.

Hundreds of high school students gathered in Union Square Wednesday
afternoon, many carrying signs with slogans like "No War In Iraq,"
"Resist War," and "No Blood For Oil."

College students will join in massive rallies later Wednesday, as part
of a day of protests.

The protesting students say it is their duty to tell people, anyone who
will listen, why war is wrong.

Protestor: "The high school kids know that this is about their future.
They look and they say, 'Whose going off to fight this war?' It's kids
who are 18, 19, and its their friends."

Protests are planned, citywide, throughout the day.

The Union Square protest for high school students at Noon was joined by
another in Washington Square Park for NYU students. At 2:30pm they will
march to Hunter College for a bigger, unified rally. Later Wednesday
there are several more protests scheduled, including one at Senator
Hillary Clinton's New York City office.

Protestor: "If I help stop the war then I have lived as a human being."

Turnout Wednesday could match last month's antiwar protest, where police
had some difficulty controlling the crowd. But the protestors insist
they are peaceful, and ask the same of President George W. Bush.

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with photo


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