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Friday, August 24, 2001

by Srdja Trifkovic

Bosnia is the Imperium’s first major experiment in nation-building. It
is the harbinger of great and glorious things to come in the new
millennium, and the experiences of this multiethnic, multiconfessional,
multicultural polity based on democracy and human rights will be closely

watched by other aspiring clients of the international community. It is
therefore disheartening that in Bosnia we encounter evidence that the
officials of the “international community” are perhaps no more virtuous
or high-minded than the old rogues who governed the nation-states of

Take the case of Thomas Miller, the United States ambassador in
Sarajevo, who is rumored to have conspired a year ago with Milorad
Dodik, then prime minister of the Bosnian-Serb Republic, to divert
$500,000 of an American aid package to the Gore/Lieberman campaign. This

claim, made privately by a former minister in Dodik’s government, has
been confirmed by another highly placed source in Banja Luka, the
capital of the Republika Srpska (RS).

The alleged deal was simple: Last July, Ambassador Miller is said to
have arranged a multimillion-dollar USAID grant for the RS budget. Once
the money arrived in Banja Luka, half a million was allocated to the
prime minister’s “discretionary fund”—over which he had exclusive
control—and promptly sent back to the United States as his contribution
to the Gore/Lieberman campaign. This was not the only payment to a
Western political figure from the fund (the existence of which Dodik
admitted in a television interview last November), but it was the
largest single disbursement ever made from it.

Our source insists that Miller was behind the scheme but does not know
whether the administration or “Gore’s people in Washington” were aware
of what was going on:

"It is possible that Ambassador Miller arranged it all on his own
initiative, because he is a committed Democrat--just like all other key
U.S. officials in Bosnia: Jacques Klein, U.N. mission chief in Sarajevo,

Ralph Johnson, first deputy high representative, and Robert Berry, OSCE
mission chief. They all rooted for Gore, and Miller is known to have
expressed his concern for ‘the future of Bosnia’ if Bush won.  And he
could not conceal his fury at the outcome of the election dispute in

When some revelations of Dodik’s corrupt practices--including the first
partial disclosure of the Gore deal--were published by the Banja Luka
magazine Extra last February, it looked like the cat was out of the bag.

Interestingly, however, there has been no follow-up. It was widely
expected that the new government of Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic,
publicly committed to fighting corruption, would make public the results

of an investigation into his predecessor’s practices. This has not
happened so far, and our sources indicate that Dr. Ivanic is under heavy

pressure from Ambassador Miller and other American political
heavyweights in Bosnia not to rock the boat. He has agreed to comply,
thus betraying his own electoral promise to eradicate corruption and
hold former officials responsible.

Their motives are easy to understand. Dodik was persona gratissima in
Bill Clinton’s Washington—Madeleine Albright once described him as “a
breath of fresh air”—and the proponents of “continuity” of the U.S.
policy in Bosnia want to keep him in reserve as a tried and true
quisling. He could come in handy if they are allowed to play the next
act in their arcane Balkan game: the scrapping of the Dayton Accord in
favor of a centralized Bosnian state.

Even after Dodik’s crushing defeat at last fall’s RS general election,
Ambassador Miller was promoting him for a ministerial position at the
federal level in Sarajevo.  Because Dodik’s reputation for greed and
graft has made him odious even to the Muslim politicians who had found
him useful in the past, he was unsuccessful in his bid. In addition, Mr.

Miller, a protégé of Richard Holbrooke, may have strong personal reasons

for wanting the new RS government to keep quiet about some of Dodik’s
shenanigans. If the allegations are corroborated, it could mark not only

the end of his diplomatic career but the beginning of a criminal
investigation back in Washington. “I am honored to appear before you
today as President Clinton’s nominee to receive the rank of ambassador…
I am grateful to the President and to Secretary Albright for the
confidence they have shown in appointing me to this position,” Thomas
Miller declared at his Senate confirmation hearing in October 1997. His
gratitude to the Democratic White House seems to have acquired a
tangible form three years later.

In the meantime Miller had stepped on many Bosnian toes. During his
tenure he has openly campaigned for the “non-nationalist” parties in
Bosnia’s elections and earned the lasting wrath of both Serbs and
Croats, who resented his support for the Muslims’ preferred model of a
centralized Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Serb member of the tripartite
Bosnian presidency, Zivko Radisic, last fall even asked for Miller’s
recall because “his activities in support of his preferred political
parties and personalities in Bosnia are incompatible with the proper
role of a diplomat.” The Croats’ leader Ante Jelavic agreed. The Croats
were even more resentful of Miller’s imperious posture in the aftermath
of the clampdown by the “international community” on their stronghold in

Mostar, which included a raid on the vault of the bank used by their
main political party.

Even if the Bosnian Serb government is bullied into silence, our source
says that it should be possible to learn the truth about any misuse of
USAID funds from Deloitte Touche Tohmantsu (DTT) and KPMG, as those two
companies manage the consulting and lending program that makes USAID the

largest lender in the RS and Bosnia.  Right now, the source claims, DTT
is covering up malfeasance in its Bosnian projects:

"An effort is under way, sometimes desperate, by DTT to prevent an
independent investigation of what is behind observed suspicious behavior

in its project.  They probably know if the alleged contribution to the
Gore campaign has been made, but there is reason to suspect a corrupt
connection between the DTT project and Dodik, and to expect that
Ambassador Miller will go out of his way to thwart an independent

If there is a scandal involving foreign aid, it won’t be the first since

the “international community” started its involvement in post-Dayton
Bosnia. During 1996-99, the United States and its allies committed more
than $5 billion to finance civil aspects of the Dayton Agreement; and as

of March 2000, U.S. military costs to support the agreement totaled
about $10 billion. In the summer of 1999, the office of the high
representative—the U.N. Gauleiter in Sarajevo who wields the real power
in the hybrid “country”—confirmed that more than one billion dollars had

been lost in postwar Bosnia through tax evasion, customs fraud, or
embezzlement of public funds. Much of that money was simply stolen from
international aid projects. For instance, more than $20 million
deposited by ten foreign embassies and international aid agencies in a
Bosnian bank has disappeared. Over $500 million was missing from the
Muslim city of Tuzla’s budget alone. The town of Sanski Most used
municipal funds to build a horseracing track, while its Mayor, Mehmed
Alagic, is accused of stealing $450,000 in aid from Saudi Arabia. In
July of last year the Clinton Administration was forced to agree with
the “basic thrust” of a report from the General Accounting Office (GAO)
that crime and corruption are “endemic problems” in Bosnia which
“seriously inhibit” both economic and political development and
implementation of the Dayton peace agreement.

But as Ambassador James Pardew tried to explain to the House of
Representatives Committee on International Relations July 19 of last
year, there are “reform-minded Bosnians” who are willing to work hard to

change the situation, and the “entire thrust” of U.S. assistance for
Bosnia is designed “to help these people establish a peaceful,
transparent and democratic society.”

Dodik was an example of “reform-mindedness” to Pardew and his bosses,
and Miller is their man in situ. Another form of institutionalized
corruption involves international bureaucrats who lobby local
politicians on behalf of companies from their countries. According to
our source in Banja Luka,

"The British dominate the so-called Independent Commission for Media and

they swiftly tailored the privatization of the Bosnian television system

so that British companies appear as best qualified potential buyers. The

Bosnian tsar himself, High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch, tirelessly

demands that Austria Telecom be granted the license as the second
mobile-phone provider for Bosnia-Herzegovina. His deputy, Ralph Johnson
of the United States, is involved in setting up consolidated public
utilities for gas and electricity so that they can be sold off more
easily to foreign investors who fit his bill."

Lower down the scale, foreign bureaucrats— especially those from Eastern

Europe and the Third World—are involved in large-scale smuggling of
American cigarettes that arrive from Montenegro and are then shipped via

Bosnia to the European Union.

Bosnia, of course, is no exception to the rule that there is no
correlation between foreign assistance and economic growth, but the
“international community” is by now aiding and abetting the open-ended
burgeoning of the culture of corruption. Foreigners have absolute power
in Bosnia. The results were to be expected. The future will only bring
more of the same, corrupting not only Bosnia--the victim of
international largesse--but all those who enter the dark villayet to
distribute it.

Endemic and institutionalized corruption at all levels and by all
participants is an apt symbol of “Bosnia” because it is an edifice is
based on a lie. The lie was supposed to replace the bonds of loyalty,
authority, and legitimacy that link Bosnian Croats and Croatia and
Bosnian Serbs and Serbia. These bonds are rooted in centuries of
political, ethnic, and cultural identity and are sure to prove stronger
than bonds to a hastily fabricated central government. The way the whole

Dayton package has been put together reflects the short-termism of
Western policy, and its ultimate preference for form over substance. It
will not survive in the long term: the inherent dynamics of Bosnia’s
disintegration are still there. Those same centrifugal forces which had
doomed Yugoslavia as a whole are still present in Bosnia, probably even
more than before the U.S. got involved.

As for Ambassador Miller, his apparently well-deserved demise will have
to wait: the Bush administration, either oblivious of his alleged
transgressions or indifferent to them, has rewarded him for his efforts
with the ambassadorial appointment to Greece.

Copyright 2001,
928 N. Main St., Rockford, IL 61103

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