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From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:51 AM
Subject: CP of Britain, Imperialism - the Real Axis of Evil
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           CP of Britain, Imperialism - the Real Axis of Evil
           From: Communist Party of Britain, Wed, 01 May 2002
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ,

Dear Comrades,

We are sending you a recent article published in the Morning Star by our
party's general secretary Robert Griffiths. We hope you find it of

Yours in Comradeship,

Kenny Coyle
International Department
This article first appeared in the Morning Star, Britain's only
socialist daily newspaper

Axis drowned in blood

Communist Party general secretary ROBERT GRIFFITHS explores the history
of Western intervention in the nations labelled by the US as an "Axis of
Evil."  THOMAS Evan Nicholas was a bard, dentist Welsh nonconformist
preacher and founder member of Britain's Communist Party.  He once
remarked that he "didn't have to go to America to discover that it's a
land of gangsters.  "Some of them are in prison, but most of them are in
the government!" That is as true today as it was in the 1930s and it has
been throughout the intervening period. Current gangster-in-chief George
W Bush has used his State of the Union address to declare war on the
"Axis of Evil."

Iraq, Iran and People's Korea are supposedly developing and accumulating
weapons of mass destruction and so must be stopped. Who says so? The
world's biggest stockpiler of mass-destruction weapons - the US regime
which wages wars for peace, fights terrorism with terror and bombs
civilians to defend civilisation.

What the peoples of Iraq, Iran and Korea have in common is that oceans
of their blood were shed in the 20th century as the direct result of US
foreign policy. The US invaded Korea in 1950 wrapped in the flag of the
United Nations, having gerrymandered a resolution through the UN
security council after excluding People's China and producing a walkout
by the Soviet Union in solidarity.

Ostensibly, the US intervention was in order to rebuff a military
offensive allegedly launched by North Korea against the South. In
reality, it was to prop up the corrupt regime of US puppet Syngman Rhee,
who had just arrested his victorious opponents in the southern
elections. As the war swung back and forth over the 38th parallel
between the two Korean states, US forces combined a "scorched earth"
policy of retreat with an enormous aerial bombing campaign in the north.

As General Emmet O'Donnell, who was head of US Bomber Command,
commented, "I would say that the entire, almost the entire, Korean
peninsula is just a terrible mess. "Everything is destroyed. There is
nothing standing worthy of the name. Just before the Chinese came in, we
were grounded. There were no more targets in Korea!"

US and British forces slaughtered more than two million Koreans whose
crime had been to fight for a united, socialist homeland. Napalm and
other chemical weapons were used. There is also substantial evidence
that US aircraft dropped germ warfare canisters in two regions of North
Korea and over the border in Chinese Manchuria. Outbreaks of cholera,
bubonic plague, smallpox and encephalitis were reported from 1951

When Labour MP SO Davies raised the issue in the House of Commons,
government ministers denounced the charges as "outrageous" and "a
communist fraud!" The whole controversy was recounted in my biography of
SO Davies, drawing upon contemporaneous US "establishment" sources and
an unpublished report by Saap van Ginneken given to me by former CIA
agent Philip Agee.

Since then, state documents released in the US have confirmed almost all
the circumstantial evidence, including the US rescue and re-employment
of Japanese scientists who had developed the bacteriological weapons
used against Chinese civilians in World War II. While wading up to their
knees in Korean blood, the gangsters governing the US fought by proxy to
drown the anti-imperialist revolution in Iran led by Mohammed Mossadeq.
Elected prime minister on May Day 1951, his government had nationalised
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Although an oil-rich country, nine-tenths
of Iran's population were illiterate and half of all children died
before reaching their first birthday.

Most of the oil profits had been going to Anglo-Iranian's British
shareholders, while the British government took more in taxes on those
profits than the Iranians received in royalties. Retaliating against the
nationalisation, Labour Prime Minister Clement Attlee and his successor
Winston Churchill succeeded in organising an international boycott of
Iranian oil. British intelligence agents Christopher Woodhouse, Samuel
Falle and Bruce Lockhart met their CIA counterparts in Washington DC at
the end of 1952 to discuss the situation. According to the CIA report on
Iranian operations - which was written in 1954 but has been disclosed
only recently - Britain's MI6 representatives departed from the agenda
to propose joint action to replace Mossadeq's democratic government by a
royalist-backed military dictatorship.

An operational plan for the coup was finalised in British colony Cyprus
between British intelligence agents Norman Darbyshire and H John Collins
and the CIA, and then endorsed in London by Commander Maurice Firth and
Major Paddy Keen.

Churchill gave it his seal of approval on July 1 1953, followed 10 days
later by US President General Eisenhower. The CIA would use $1 million
to organise and finance an opposition movement, including the parasitic
royal family, right-wing army officers, reactionary clerics and
mercenary newspaper proprietors.  British expertise was recruited to
bribe Iranian MPs and hire bazaar merchants to head the street gangs.

Monarchist General Zahedi was selected by the CIA to lead the coup,
although, at every stage, the US would call the shots rather than the
"long-winded and illogical Persians."  The shah of Iran was persuaded by
his twin sister and British agents to issue decrees dismissing Mossadeq
and installing Zahedi, having heard the secret code-words so helpfully
broadcast by the BBC World Service.

Gangs of hired thugs were then put onto the streets, distributing
leaflets and posters fabricated in the name of Iran's powerful Tudeh
(People's) Party. They destroyed the premises of anti-Mossadeq groups
and bombed the home of a leading cleric - all, as we now know, planned
by MI6 and the CIA in order to portray the Tudeh communists as
unpatriotic and anti-Islam.

Even so, the coup would have failed had not US and British diplomats and
agents provided shelter, propaganda, arms, vehicles and royalist mobs to
rescue the plotters. Counter-mobilisations by Tudeh and other
progressive forces were then attacked by police - trained by the father
of Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf, the butcher of Basra - and by
reactionary and ultra-left elements.

General Zahedi took power on August 19, Tudeh Party offices and a
theatre were burned and thousands of members were arrested, tortured and
imprisoned on the basis of lists supplied by MI6 and its informants.
After a series of show trials, communist leaders and former Mossadeq
ministers were shot. The invertebrate shah flew back from Rome to
preside over 40 years of a corrupt but pro-Western police state.

Under new arrangements, the oil began to flow even more strongly than
the blood - although US capitalists now received more than 40 per cent
of the profits. CIA documents confirm that the coup was not primarily
about oil - Britain had plentiful profits and supplies from elsewhere.
It was driven more by the fear that "economic collapse would be followed
by a communist takeover of the country."

Similar concerns prompted the CIA to back the Ba'ath (Renaissance) Party
in Iraq, despite the latter's formal commitment to socialism. A popular
revolution led by General Kassem had overthrown the autocratic monarchy
in 1958. Although Kassem turned against the growing Iraqi Communist
Party, he also forged closer links with the Soviet Union.

The CIA rightly reckoned that the pan-Arab, anti-Soviet Ba'athists would
be amenable to Western bribery in a drive to topple the general. The
agency's Cairo station nurtured Ba'athist exiles such as Saddam Hussein,
who had fled there after an abortive attempt to assassinate the Iraqi

When Ba'ath overthrew Kassem in 1963, the coup was co-ordinated between
CIA agents and military officers, using an electronic command centre in
Kuwait. Lists compiled by CIA stations across the Middle East enabled
the new regime to murder 5,000 Iraqi communists and progressives.

The mood in the US embassy in Baghdad has been summed up by attache
James Atkins, who noted: "We were very happy. They got rid of a lot of
communists. A lot of them were executed or shot. This was a great
development!" The Ba'athists lost power but regained it in 1968, with
Saddam as their deputy leader. CIA assistance had been secured in return
for oil and sulphur concessions to the US.

Although the regime pursued a strategy of constructive engagement with
the Soviet Union and briefly with the Iraqi Communist Party, raising the
living standards of millions of poor Iraqis, Saddam later touted for
business from his old allies. The US and other imperialist powers armed
the Baghdad regime and encouraged it to invade Iran in 1980, after the
overthrow of the shah and the elevation of Ayatollah Khomeini.  More
than a million lives were lost in that first Gulf war.

US spokespeople today are keen to point out that Saddam used chemical
weapons on his own people - as well as on the Iranians - when he gassed
the Kurds at Halabja in 1988. What they want us to forget is that he
bought the technology from the US, while his operatives were being
trained in Britain. Even after that atrocity, US policy under Reagan and
Bush senior was to extend billions of dollars in export credits to

Only Saddam's invasion of Kuwait brought the policy to an end.
Gangsters? Al Capone and Legs Diamond only killed innocent civilians in
ones or twos - and then usually by accident. The gangsters who run the
US have no compunction about wiping out civilians in hundreds and
thousands at a time - deliberately and always in the name of freedom.

Robert Griffiths is general secretary of the Communist Party of Britain.

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