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----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, Address to the International Conference of Solidarity to the
Palestinian People, Cyprus,Nicosia 5-6 April 2002
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 CP of Greece, Address to the International Conference of Solidarity to
                    the Palestinian People, Cyprus,
                         Nicosia 5-6 April 2002
           From: Communist Party of Greece, Tue, 16 Apr 2002
       , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    Address of Costas Alissandrakis
 Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece and of
the European Parliament to the International Conference of Solidarity to
                         the Palestinian People
                         Nicosia, 5-6 April 2002

Dear friends and comrades,
On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece, I
would like to thank AKEL for its initiative to organize this
international conference of solidarity to the Palestinian people and for
inviting our party.

It is worth noting not only the time, but also the place where this
conference is being held. The heroic island of Cyprus is also, in part,
under foreign occupation. Of course, the Turkish troops are not inside
the presidential building of the Republic of Cyprus, still they are only
a few kilometers away, at the other side of the green line that cuts in
two the historic city of Nicosia and the entire island. Our party has
always been for a solution of the Cyprus question and the termination of
foreign occupation according to the resolutions of the United Nations.

Dear friends and comrades,

Until ten days ago one could speak of the barbarity of the state of
Israel. Until ten days ago one could speak about genocide against the
Palestinian people, about war crimes, about state terrorism. One could
also speak about the heroic struggle of the people of Palestine who, at
the face of a fully armed opponent, stand with their bare hands and
their soul.

Today, one weak after the new invasion of the Israeli army in Ramallah,
words such as the above are incapable of describing the reality, which
by far surpasses what we have witnessed so far. The attacking, as well
as the attacked side, have both exceeded themselves, the former in
barbarity and the latter in heroism, endurance, selflessness, and belief
in the right of their cause. The besieged free people of Ramallah, first
of all President Arafat, show to the entire world what a small people
who, using the words of our poet Yannis Ritsos «fights for the bread of
the entire world, for light and for song», can do. At this point, I wish
to express our unlimited solidarity to the struggle of the Palestinian
people for their own motherland, for peace and for life, as well as to
president Arafat.

The events in Palestine, as well as the boundless imperialist aggression
that we are facing during the last years, cannot but induce us to remark
how different the world is today, without the Soviet Union and the
international socialist community. The so-called «new world order» is
particularly inventive in continuous transfigurations, one more dreadful
that the other.

The massacre of Palestine is taking place, once more, under the cold and
indifferent eyes of the so-called «international community». We heard
the president of the U.S. yesterday to accept all the arguments that
Israel employs to justify its horrendous acts and, at the end, to ask
Israel to gradually withdraw its armed forces from the Palestinian
towns! No further proof is necessary for one to realize who is behind
the Israeli agression, where from do the criminal Sharon and his
government draw their power to murder civilians and to destroy the vital
infrastructure of the Palestinian land. The outcome of the suicide
attacks that cause civilian deaths is certainly appalling, but this can
in no way be put on an equal footing with the murder of civilians by an
organized state, nor can it be placed at the same level as the
executions of leaders of Palestinian organizations. Concerning the
friendly advice of the head of the biggest terrorist organization of the
world towards his collaborators, it is probably in the framework of
seeking Arab support for his adventurist plans against Iraq, Iran and
other countries.

At the other side of the Atlantic there a is also an overflow of
hypocrisy, The «civilized» European Union, which wants to present itself
as a counter balance to the american policy of aggression, follows a
policy of equal distance with respect to the aggressor and the victim,
when it does not take a position in favor of the aggressor. A
characteristic example is the statement adopted during the Barcelona
summit held in March 15-16. One reads in the statement «As the
legitimate authority, the Palestinian Authority bears the full
responsibility for fighting terrorism with all the legitimate means at
its disposal». And, in order to somewhat soften the impressions, the
next phrase reads «Israel, notwithstanding its right to fight terrorism,
must immediately withdraw its military forces from areas placed under
the control of the PA, stop extra-judicial executions, lift the closures
and restrictions, freeze settlements and respect international law»

Apart from words there also deeds. The EU has singed an association
agreement with Israel, imports products under favorable terms (even
products that originate in settlements within the occupied territories),
European arms industries feed Israel's war machine. Consequently there
are mechanisms of intervention, which could have been used. Apparently
what is lacking is the will to exert pressure and thus the high
representative of Javier Solana and the acting president of the the
Council Spanish foreign minister Jose Pique, heard without any reaction
that Sharon did not permit them to meet president Arafat.

In contrast with the governments, the people have expressed their
sensitivity at the face of what goes on in Palestine. As on previous
occasions, the Greek people responded to the appeal of peace
organizations and personalities such as Manolis Glezos and Mikis
Theodorakis and are demonstrating for the people of Palestine. A
delegation of the Greek parliament from all political parties, together
with trade union leaders and personalities visited Palestine where they
faced the brutal attack of the Israelis. The youth organizations of all
political parties coordinate their activities. The rally of striking
workers two days ago, called for by the Worker's Front of Struggle
(PAME), was transformed to a demonstration against Israeli aggression.
The embassy of Israel is practically under siege by continuous
demonstrations and a big concert is organized for next week. The
resolution adopted during the meeting of communist and workers' parties
of SE Mediterranean and the Red Sea, hosted by our party in Athens late
January, stressed that the source of violence is the Israeli occupation.

Within the movement for peace in the Middle East, peace forces within
Israel occupy a prominent position. Among those, the Communist Party of
Israel, the organization «Peace Now», as well as the brave Israeli
soldiers and officers who refuse to become killers of their neighbors.

Dear friends and comrades,

Under the present circumstances, one wonders who will force Israel to
end the siege, to stop the massacre, to withdraw from the Palestinian
territory, to stop the settlements, to accept the return of the
refugees, to comply with the UN resolutions for independent Palestinian
state with East Jerusalem as its capital and the agreements that

Despite the difficulties, despite the negative balance of forces at the
international level, there exist two elements that make us optimistic.
One is the resistance and the determination of the people of Palestine.
The other is international solidarity. History has shown on many
occasions that, whatever the power of the oppressors, the oppressed
proved stronger at the end.



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