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Canada's MPs decide to bomb Serbia
   Mausoleum of Parliament
    Ottawa, October  1999

The corridors of Parliament 
like passageways of tombs
are heavy with futility
and great emptiness.

One after the other 
the members of parliament
stand to be counted
jerked to their feet
by well hidden strings 
self-interest and gain.

In March these same members
each well equipped
with brain, heart and mouth
met and decided 
(quite free of dissent)
That Canada's jets 
will now begin bombing
the people of Serbia. 

It happened that simply
that Ottawa turned
its back on the UN
and started to march
to Washington's drum.

No fuss was made
by Canada's media
about breaking the Charter
that United Nations;
the Charter was broken
with no fuss at all.

The parliament buildings
remained quite unchanged
no smart-bombs were falling
on Senate or Commons
the sidewalks of Ottawa
were cluster-bomb free.

A maple leaf flag
still flew from the peace tower
a mountie in scarlet
still stood on display
the tourists snapped pictures
each stone was in place
on this neat pile of rock
with its hollow insides.

David Morgan, N. Vancouver, Aug 24, 2001

*  David Morgan,         *
*  240 Holyrood Road,    *
*  North Vancouver,      *
*  BC, V7N 2R5, Canada   *
*  Tel: (604)985-7147    *
*  Fax: (604)985-1260    *
*  <dmorgan@web.,net>    *

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