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[Anyone accustomed to being chastised for making
ostensibly 'unsubstantiated' claims whenever writing
to newspapers, elected officials and journalists,
might feel vindicated by the tissue of lies,
inaccuracies and ungrounded speculation contained in
this Agence France Presse feature, one which had no
problem getting past the copy editor and fact checkers
en route to Web sites and newspapers throughout the
The villainous Russia, evil and conniving by nature,
is mounting a campaign to 'frighten' the tiny Baltic
nations into postponing or canceling their 'possible'
entry into NATO.
This is according to - that's the problem. All the
report tells us is that this unproven contention
emanates from a senior U.S. official who prefers, as
always, to remain anonymous.
That Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as six
other European nations, are slated to join the already
19 nation NATO alliance and in so doing cross two
critical thresholds - the encroachment of NATO right
up to the Russian border and the incorporation of
former Soviet republics into NATO for the first time -
is not deemed a valid reason for Russian concern.
The report identifies what it curiously refers to as
six former "Soviet-bloc countries," including Albania,
Slovenia and Macedonia.
Any secondary school student in Europe could point out
that Albania was never a member of any so-called
Soviet bloc, quite the opposite, and that Slovenia and
Macedonia had never been countries until 1991 - at
exactly the same time that the Soviet Union ceased to
Prior to that both were republics within Yugoslavia,
which also was never part of any Soviet bloc.
What truth that does come across, though, is probably
unintentional. Clearly the unnamed and perhaps
nonexistent U.S. official is floating a trial balloon:
Can Russia be pressured/bribed into accepting the
destruction of the ABM and Western proliferation of
missile shields and space weapons if NATO pretends to
slow down the absorption of the three Baltic states?
Second, and why doesn't anyone comment on this, the
report perfunctorily mentions that NATO candidates
must be "democratic free market countries," as though
the world's mightiest military alliance dictating the
internal socio-economic structures and policies of
(formally) sovereign European nations is quite in the
order of things.
Lastly, the typo in the last sentence is in the
original; apparently one of the world's three largest
commercial press wire services not only can't afford a
fact checker, they don't have a proofreader or spell
check either.]

Thursday September 6, 1:41 AM

Russia trying to scare NATO into rejecting Baltic
expansion: US official

Russia is attempting to frighten European members of
NATO into rejecting or at least postponing the
alliance's possible expansion into the Baltics, a
senior US official said Wednesday.

"I think the Russians are still hoping to create
enough anxiety among allies to at least postpone
invitations to at least one or more of the Baltic
states beyond the Prague summit next year," the
official said.

The Baltic states -- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania --
are aspiring candidates to the 19-member North
Atlantic Treaty Organization which is to extend
membership invitations to hopefuls at its leaders
meeting in Czech capital next November.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
that to many Russians the question of NATO expansion
into the Baltics was more vexing than the US plans to
develop a national missile shield that would violate
the landmark 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty.

"My impression is that among the Russian elite and the
government NATO enlargement, particularly NATO
enlargement to the Baltic states, may be a more
neuralgic issue than missile defense when push comes
to shove," he said.

As evidence, the official pointed to comments made
earlier this week by Russian President Vladimir Putin
during a visit to Finland.

Putin "seemed to be a little more edgy on NATO
expansion than on missile defense," the official said.

Putin said Monday that Moscow did not want the Baltic
states admitted to NATO and described such a move as a
"mistake" unwarranted on security grounds.

"I underline that there are no objective conditions
for enlarging and (for) the Baltic countries becoming
members of NATO," Putin told a news conference.

"Pushing NATO's limits to Russia does not create a
universal security in Europe, it does not solve any
key issue in Europe," he said. Baltic membership in
the alliance "only pushes NATO borders closer to

"We are not glad," Putin said. "This is a mistake."

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania gained independence from
the Soviet Union in 1991. The trio as well as six
former Soviet-bloc countries -- Slovakia, Slovenia,
Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia and Albania -- have
applied for membership.

The first former Soviet bloc states to join NATO, in
March 1999, were Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic
and the alliance is committed to expand again in 2002.

To qualify for membership candidates must be
democratic free market countries with civilian control
of their militaries. Their armed forces myst also be
in line with NATO standards.


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