Commons Hansard Written Answers text for Tuesday 4 Dec 2001

Laeken European Council
Mr. Spring: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
Affairs if he will make a statement about the main objectives of the
European Council's summit at Laeken. [18896] 
Peter Hain: The agenda for the European Council has not yet been finalised.
But we expect it to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, and the EU follow
up to the events of 11 September; review the situation in the western
Balkans; debate the future of Europe and establish a convention to examine
the options for the IGC in 2004; welcome progress on EU enlargement; adopt a
presidency report on European defence; review progress on the Tampere
justice and home affairs agenda; and note preparations for the launch of
Euro notes and coins. 
4 Dec 2001 : Column: 214W 

Mr. Spring: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
Affairs if he will make a statement (a) on the membership of the convention
due to be established at Laeken and (b) what the Government hope to achieve
at the Laeken summit. [18895] 
Peter Hain: Final decisions on the composition of the convention will be
taken at the Laeken European Council. The convention will include
representatives from national Governments, national Parliaments, the
European Parliament and the Commission. The candidate states will be fully
The Government expect that Laeken will thus launch the European level debate
about the Future of Europe. It was agreed at Nice that this debate should
consider how to improve and monitor the democratic legitimacy and
transparency of the EU and its institutions, in order to bring them closer
to the citizens of the members states. The Government welcome this. 
Mr. Spring: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
Affairs what discussions he has had with the European Commission on the
Laeken European Council. [19091] 
Peter Hain: The Government meet members of the Commission on a regular basis
to discuss these and other issues. 
My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister also discussed issues to be
addressed by the Laeken European Council with the President of the
Commission on 15 November. 
Cluster Bombs
Paul Farrelly: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will take
steps to encourage an international ban on the use of cluster bombs. [20001]

Mr. Ingram: It would not be appropriate or realistic to take steps to
encourage an international ban on the use of cluster bombs. They are a
legitimate weapon that provide a capability against certain targets which
cannot be effectively achieved in other ways. We are aware of concerns that
have been expressed about the humanitarian effort of unexploded cluster
bomblets and are exploring in the context of the 1980 UN Convention on
Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) how this can be minimised. 
Lynne Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make it
his policy to work to implement the recommendations of the International
Committee of the Red Cross on the use of cluster bombs. [20234] 
Mr. Ingram: The International Committee of the Red Cross have proposed
limitations on the use of cluster bombs in the context of their proposal for
a protocol on explosive remnants of war to the 1980 UN Convention on Certain
Conventional Weapons, for which the review 
4 Dec 2001 : Column: 224W 
conference will be held on 11 to 21 December. The United Kingdom will work
for a positive outcome to minimise the risk to civilians from unexploded
weapons, including cluster bombs. 
Depleted Uranium
Dr. Jack Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) for what
reason test firing using depleted uranium contaminated gun barrels from
Eskmeals was carried out at Shoeburyness; who authorised the transfer of the
gun barrels; and if he will make a statement; [18970] 
        (2) pursuant to his answer of 23 November 2001, Official Report,
column 514W, on depleted uranium, how many rounds were fired in the tests;
and how many were recovered; [18968] 
        (3) pursuant to his answer of 23 November 2001, Official Report,
column 514W, on depleted uranium, what environmental impact assessment was
carried out, and by whom, before depleted uranium contaminated gun barrels
from Eskmeals were used in test firing at Shoeburyness; [18969] 
        (4) pursuant to his answer of 23 November 2001, Official Report,
column 514W, on depleted uranium, who was the radiation protection adviser;
for which organisation he or she worked; whether the Defence Radiology
Protection Service was (a) consulted and (b) involved; and if he will make a
statement. [18967] 
Dr. Moonie [holding answer 30 November 2001]: Test firing using depleted
uranium (DU) contaminated gun barrels is required as part of the
effectiveness and safety trials to determine the effect of firing a variety
of rounds through worn barrels. The Challenger II tank worn barrel trial is
planned to commence in January 2002. The trial involves firing a range of
non-DU based ammunition natures such as high explosive and training rounds.
The trial will involve the use of barrels that have not fired DU rounds as
well as those that have. More recently, between 20 to 29 November, one gun
barrel stored at QinetiQ Eskmeals, that had fired DU in the past, was used
in a CHARM 3 Training Round (a non-DU round) trial at the Shoeburyness
ranges. Test firing is being carried out at Shoeburyness because it meets
the minimum firing distance required and provides a round recovery facility
and a suitable cost-effective solution. There is no reason on health and
safety grounds why the work cannot be carried out at this site. 
No specific authorisation to transfer barrels allocated to support these
trials is needed. Each barrel that has fired DU in the past has a record
annotated accordingly and is accompanied with appropriate precautionary
In the November trial, 71 rounds were fired and none were recovered. The
worn barrel trial in January is planned to use 184 rounds and it is planned
to recover some rounds to ascertain any effects on the round's stability and
performance. Recovered rounds fired will be monitored for DU. 
No environmental impact assessment was undertaken immediately before the
CHARM3 training round trial and none is planned for the worn barrel trial.
However, a risk assessment for the routine use of DU contaminated barrels
was carried out by the Department's Radiation Protection Adviser, the then
DERA Radiation Protection Services, in 
4 Dec 2001 : Column: 225W 
May 2000. Although this assessment concludes that no DU will be released
from the barrel, environmental monitoring was conducted at the start, during
and after the firings on 20 November. This involved a base line survey
taking soil and grass samples and monitoring around the gun, passive air
sampling, and a swab sample of the inside of the barrel when firing was
complete. The monitoring will also be conducted in support of the worn
barrel trial. 
The barrels used at Shoeburyness were monitored before transfer. The
monitoring in this case showed that the barrels contained less than 10
kilobecquerels of DU and thus confirmed that the material presented very
little risk. This conclusion is based on the generic risk assessment
conducted in May 2000, which is applicable to all barrels containing less
than 10 kilobecquerels of DU. 
Anti-war March
Mr. Paul Marsden: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if
he will make a statement on how the Metropolitan Police calculated the
number of demonstrators who took part in the anti-war march from Hyde Park
to Trafalgar Square on 18 November. [19433] 
Mr. Denham: The Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis informs me that
it is established practice to use hand tally counters to determine numbers
of people 
4 Dec 2001 : Column: 232W 
participating in marches in London. If the march enters Trafalgar Square
crowd density measurements are used to reckon the numbers present. 
On 18 November 2001 these methods identified 12,000 people leaving Hyde Park
en route to Trafalgar Square and 15,000 people within Trafalgar Square. 

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